NEWSLETTER: December 2018

2018's Best Online Biology Teaching Resources: Every One Is Free!
A dozen of 2018's best free online teaching resources for biology teachers presented in a simple, fun interactive. Most are winners of our "Resource of the Month" award, every one is free. Every one of them is worth a glance over the holidays. Zip through these now!

Royalty-Free Presentation Ideas
The Teacher Resource Library 

Located in the "Learn" area on the Genome: Unlocking Life's Code website. Our teacher resources portal is like none other. You'll find unique tools like a 5-minute animation about the human genome that will please students and adults of all ages, ready-to-use curricula, a Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms, projects for National DNA Day, current news stories, free artwork, and more!

The annual ASHG DNA Day essay contest is open for 2019 DNA Day. Students in grades 9-12, with help from their teachers, are asked to examine, question, and reflect on an important concept in genetics.

Both winning students and teachers are rewarded: 1st prize is $1,000 for the winning student, and a $1,000 genetics teaching materials grant for the winning teacher.
Entry deadline is March 8, 2019. 

See Details Here!

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