Explore Our Shared Genomic Journey In Your Classroom With This New Interactive!
"In & Beyond Africa" is a thought-provoking new eLearning tool about human migrations in Africa and beyond over the last 200,000 years. The resource is structured around an animated map of the world slowly revealing human migration patterns over time. Along the journey, students are encouraged to game and to explore various topics on human development: from prehistoric tool-making, to the genetics of human skin pigmentation, to the domestication of crops and animals. Plus, activities about Ötzi the Iceman, and an eLearning game in which students share ideas about human life in the future.

January 2016 Resource of the Month
"Teaching Evolution through Human Examples" from the
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
This month's search for the best free online teaching resources for biology teachers has arrived at a winner: "Teaching Evolution through Human Examples." This three-year exploratory research and development project features four curriculum units for (AP) biology classes that are aligned to learning objectives using human case studies to teach core evolutionary principles. Includes a Cultural and Religious Sensitivity Teaching Strategies Resource to help teachers create a comfortable and supportive classroom environment for teaching evolution.

A Recipe For a Great Lesson Plan: Sharks, Human Remains, and In-Class Detective Work For Your Students!

In 2010, fishermen in the Bahamas caught a tiger shark with human remains in its stomach: But whose remains were they? Step-by-step questions guide students through the logical progression from analyzing forensic data to identifying the remains. This inquiry-based lesson on Genomics and Human Identity is the second in a series of lesson plans available free on Unlocking Life's Code.
The "Genome: Unlocking Life's Code" exhibition has arrived in Milwaukee at the Discovery World Science and Technology Center. Stop by this great science museum, and check out our traveling exhibition between January 23, 2016 - April 25, 2016.

Is there a free online learning resource that you would like us to consider in our monthly "Resource of the Month" competition?
We welcome at-large nominations of the best biology-based learning tools that you use in the classroom or you value personally. Nominations should be available via the Internet free of charge, useful to large numbers of biology teachers, and in general be "a knockout."

Have a Suggestion for

"Resource of the Month?"
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