Summer 2018 Reading Suggestions: Ten of Our Staff's Faves
Summer means catching up on good reads for many of us. 

Here are ten favorites from the staff who bring you the website Genome: Unlocking Life's Code.

Book art and content synopses are courtesy of online websites or publishers (as credited). All are easily found in circulation and obtainable through public libraries.

Look our list over. Enjoy a good read this summer!
Five Summer Primers for the Biology Teacher
Refresh, Or Update, Your Knowledge Base Now

Once you've settled into the summer, and the visitors are gone, and the crosswords are complete, take time to review our five teacher primers. Each is designed to pep up courses in the Fall, share with colleagues and students, or help explain what you do to friends and neighbors.

Choose from: Ten promising careers in genomics. Fifteen ways genomics has transformed the world since the Human Genome Project. A timeline of ancient DNA. Our shared genetic origins from in and around Africa. A time-tested technique for extracting DNA from a strawberry with common household items (English and Spanish language infographic).

The "Genome: Unlocking Life's Code" exhibition was constructed so it could easily be disassembled and transported to museums and science centers across North America. The exhibition is in the midst of a 5-year tour bringing the wonder and power of genomic science to your backyard - and more venues are being scheduled.

If you are in the midwest this summer, see the exhibition in person in Minnesota through September 15, 2018 hosted by the Rochester Art Center,40 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochester, MN 55904.

This summer sit back and take a virtual tour of the "Genome: Unlocking Life's Code" exhibition on your personal computer, tablet, or smart phone. Focus in on the various exhibition areas such as "The Genome Within Us", "Genomics and Society", and others. Explore the high-tech environment of the entire 4,400-square-foot exhibition online, and at your convenience.

Easy, fun, and requires no travel whatsoever.

Quick links to popular teacher resources on Genome: Unlocking Life's Code.


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