Special CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Issue:
Tools for Teachers and Students
Genome editing is a technique that lets scientists change the DNA of many organisms, including plants, bacteria, and animals. Editing DNA can lead to changes in physical traits and disease risk. Scientists use different technologies to do this. These technologies act like scissors, cutting the DNA at a specific spot. Then scientists can remove, add, or replace the DNA where it was cut.

The first genome editing technologies were developed in the late 1980s. More recently, a new genome editing tool called CRISPR, invented in 2009, has made it easier than ever to edit DNA. CRISPR is simpler, faster, cheaper, and more accurate than older genome editing methods. Many scientists who perform genome editing now use CRISPR.

Our May newsletter focuses on genome editing, and provides an understanding of, and teaching tools for, the CRISPR gene-editing technique.

The May Resource of the Month, two detailed interactive tools listing helpful online resources, and our Pinterest pages are chosen to make it easier for teachers to explore and bolster their knowledge of CRISPR-Cas9. 
May 2018 Resource of the Month
The HHMI BioInteractive's CRISPR-Cas9 Learning Tools

Our monthly search for the best free teaching resources for biology teachers has chosen a winner for May 2018: The HHMI BioInteractive's CRISPR-Cas9 online learning toolset: CRISPR-Cas9: Mechanism & Applications.

This new interactive allows students to explore and learn about this biotechnology tool that is at the forefront of scientific research. Users can hear directly from leading researchers about how they use CRISPR. The toolset includes a self-paced interactive animation, a series of short videos of different scientists who are using CRISPR-Cas9 technologies for basic research, medical, and agricultural applications, and more!

A dozen freely available website resources designed to help people from all walks of life understand the many aspects of gene drives and CRISPR/Cas9.

The list includes several lesson plan websites, CRISPR explanation websites, websites on ethics, and information on the patent battles surrounding CRISPR. Update your knowledge base. Add a segment in your biology class on CRISPR. Share with others. 

Ten online videos and animations that help learners at all levels negotiate the world of gene drives and CRISPR/Cas9. Plus, a closing bonus listing that does a deep dive into the history, mechanics, and promise of this new technology.

Perfect for self enrichment, sharing with colleagues, and a variety of classroom lesson plans.

Would You Rather Pin It?
CRISPR and Genome Editing Resources From Our Pinterest Page

More than a dozen helpful pins on genome editing including lesson plans, background reading, images, and multimedia resources.

Quick links to popular teacher resources on Genome: Unlocking Life's Code.


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