February 2022
Cell, Organelles, and DNA Resources
Can your students identify the parts of the cell? We have just what you need to bring cells and more to life in the classroom. Scroll through Our Cells, Organelles & DNA Resources for Teachers to access free, informative graphics. Download PDFs or PowerPoint slides. All files are copyright-free and provided for use in teaching and learning genetics and biology. Incorporate this imagery in your 2020 lesson plans for a fresh look.

DNA Day Essay 2022 Contest from the American Society of Human Genetics
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) DNA Day essay contest is now open to students in grades 9-12 worldwide. Students are asked to examine, question, and reflect on important concepts in genetics. The first place student winner receives $1,000 and their teacher receives a $1,000 genetics material grant. The submission site opens later this month and winners along with honorable mentions will be announced on DNA Day itself, Monday, April 25. Submit your essay now!

A Virtual Professional Development Opportunity
How Informal Learning Spaces Can Support Educators in Evolving Learning Environments
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us into a time of physical distance and virtual learning. Educators and STEM advocates had to think about creative ways to engage their classrooms and continue to advance scientific literacy. This conversation will highlight opportunities and resources designed to support educators for in-classroom and virtual engagements. We hope to facilitate a professional development event that is both informative and interactive for attendees. A moderated question and answer session will be facilitated prior to concluding the program. This virtual event is being held on Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. E.T.

National Science Teaching Association Houston 22 National Conference
The National Science Teaching Association will be hosting a national conference from Mar. 31 – Apr. 2 in Houston, Texas. The exhibit hall will feature science teaching tools, materials, equipment and the latest technologies for science in the classroom. Sessions and presentations will highlight 3-D learning, equity, assessment, and more! To attend the conference, proof of a COVID vaccination and/or a negative COVID test through CLEAR Health Pass is required.

Application Now Open for NHGRI's Virtual Short Course in Genomics
Middle school, high school, community college and tribal college educators teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses are encouraged to apply to NHGRI’s annual Short Course in Genomics. The course will be held from August 1-4, 2022. The course will be virtual and delivered via Zoom. Digital materials and mailed activity kits will be provided in advance. The course offers educators the opportunity to hear lectures and receive teaching resources from leading NHGRI and NIH researchers, clinicians, and staff, and to discuss ways to incorporate genomics content into their classrooms. Applications are due by March 24, 2022.

This month's featured article in
Genomics: Insights

Author: Ann McCartney

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