January 2022
Celebrate DNA Day 2022 Virtually!
It’s time to start planning your National DNA Day 2022 virtual celebration! National DNA Day is celebrated on April 25 of every year, and to meet educators, students, and organizations’ needs, we encourage all to celebrate DNA Day any time between January and May. Plan a virtual presentation with STEM scientists, or host a virtual demonstration of a STEM activity for students, or the general public. Visit our DNA Day resource page offering additional information about DNA Day and access to the National Human Genome Research Institute’s resources. There are plenty of ways to creatively celebrate DNA Day 2022 virtually!  

DNA Day Essay 2022 Contest from the American Society of Human Genetics
The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) DNA Day essay contest question is now available to students in grades 9-12 worldwide. Students are asked to examine, question, and reflect on important concepts in genetics. The first place student winner receives $1,000 and their teacher receives a $1,000 genetics material grant. The submission site opens later this month and winners along with honorable mentions will be announced on DNA Day itself, Monday, April 25. A great way to celebrate DNA Day 2022 virtually!

10 Bold Predictions for Human Genomics by 2030 from the National Human Genome Research Institute
NHGRI is hosting a seminar series this year on the “Bold Predictions for Human Genomics by 2030” described in NHGRI’s latest strategic vision. Past videos discussing one of the 10 bold predictions can be viewed on NHGRI’s YouTube GenomeTV channel. Catch up on NHGRI’s bold predictions by viewing the latest seminar at your convenience.

Virtual Online Collection from the National Library of Medicine
National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health hosts virtual online collections freely available to the public. The NLM’s HIV/AIDS collection commemorates the US response to this public health crisis over the last 40 years. Explore images and posters based on suggested search terms. Read documents and view videos created about HIV/AIDS. Visit archived websites documenting the biomedical, clinical, cultural and social aspects of HIV/AIDS in the early 21st century. Nowhere else can you find a rich collection of historical information available in one place!

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