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Los Angeles, CA 90010
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Do You Have an Immigration Problem, A Citizenship Question? Together, We'll Find A Solution
5/19/2021 Issue
           The commotion at the border with Mexico is a little less noisy. All the UAC (unaccompanied children) have been moved to decent shelters. The Republican party is occupied with other issues.
           The Biden administration is less distracted by border issues, and is able to pay attention to other immigration issues.
           The major immigration issues require legislation – Congress must enact laws, such as: Comprehensive Immigration Reform, legalization of the millions of non-citizens in the U.S., pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, etc., etc.
           In the recent days, we began to notice more activity, more interest from the Biden administration in these major issues. Maybe something will finally happen.
           The Trump administration issued a directive to Immigration Judges (IJ) forbidding them to “administratively close” deportation cases.
           “ADMIN CLOSE” means that in certain cases the IJ would stop the hearings in a deportation case, or take the case “off calendar”, if the IJ thinks that this was the correct thing to do. For example: if the non-citizen was waiting for a petition to be approved, or a priority date to become current, and the IJ believes it would be unfair to deport this person while so waiting.
           Now came the 3rd circuit court of appeals and issued a decision that Mr. Trump’s directive was not legal and IJs may continue with their sensible policy of sometimes “admin close” deportation cases.

           In October 2019, the Trump administration issued a rule requiring all LEGAL immigrants to have American health insurance before getting their immigrant visas, or demonstrate financial ability to buy such insurance within 30 days after arriving in the U.S.
           Now came the Biden administration and cancelled that rule.
           If you immigrate to the U.S., you will get your health insurance as soon as you can, like it was always done before Trump.


           If you are required to appear at an Application Support Center (ASC) to submit fingerprints and photographs and you cannot make it on the scheduled date and time, you may now call a special Contact Center (800-375-5238) and request a rescheduling. Previously, you needed to do it in writing.
           Still, you need to have a good reason to request the rescheduling and you must do it BEFORE the original schedule.
           A man in Florida noticed that there are many non-citizens in Florida seeking drivers licenses and employment permits – and many of them do not speak English, only Spanish. He decided that this was a business opportunity.
           He opened a fake law office, pretending to be a lawyer - an immigration lawyer. He promised the real clients of his fake law office that he would get them what they wanted. He prepared fake Political Asylum applications with fabricated stories of persecution, and obtained real Filing Fee Receipts from USCIS. He used the real”A” numbers to prepare some more fake documents for the real clients – and business was booming. He filed more than 220 fake applications and collected more than $400,000 real dollars in fees.
           Until the government got wise to him, arrested him, convicted him and he was sentenced to 20 years and 9 months in jail – real years in a real jail.

           At present, the BIGGEST problem of the immigration system lies at the American Consulates overseas.
           As a result of (a) Trump’s Travel Bans, and (b) COVID-19 closures, there is an accumulation of more than HALF-A-MILLION (500,000) eligible applicants waiting for interviews at U.S. Consulates for the purpose of getting immigrant visas in all categories.
           It does not seem that the U.S. Department of State (DOS) has a sensible plan how to “digest” this mountain of applications, which is only growing from day to day, as the Immigration Service continues to approve petitions and applications in all categories and to send them to the National Visa Center (NVC).
3250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1918
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 383-3222