and recruiters who fell into the trap of this fake university made a lot of money, because they were manufacturing and selling a lot of fake documents for their “students”.
Then, one day, ICE pulled the plug on this project and arrested and charged 21 brokers and recruiters.
What about the 1,000 plus “students”? They were advised that their visas had been cancelled and many were put in removal (deportation) proceedings. But…
But, the case against the “students” was not so simple, because it was not always possible to prove that they knew – or should have known – that the University of Northern New Jersey (UNNJ) was a fake university. Did all of them participate knowingly in this scam? Some of the students filed a lawsuit against the government.
Finally, after a long time, it looks as if the government operation (Scam?) is coming to an end. The government agreed to cancel, or wipe out, all immigration offenses against the students and the students must agree to give up all claims against the government.
But I wonder: what about the tuition fees the students paid to the fake university?
If somebody is adopted by an American citizen or a Legal Permanent Resident, the adoptive parent may file a petition for the adoptee, but…
But there are many requirements and conditions for such a petition to be acceptable. The main requirement is the age of the adoptee – he or she must be a “child” at the time the adoption is ordered by a judge in court, and a “child” for adoption is only a person under age sixteen (16).
Still, a scammer developed a scam. A man in California advertised himself as an organization called “Americans Helping American Chamber of Commerce”, and offered “membership” in a “Migration Program” providing ADULT ADOPTIONS leading to U.S. citizenship.
It seems that if you have a convincing website, you can sell anything, and he found several hundred desperate non-citizens who signed up for citizenship by Adult Adoption. The members paid a nice fee and got nothing.
In this case, at least, the Federal Judge who sentenced this SCAMMER took the matter seriously and sentenced him to twenty (20) years in prison.
How can you protect yourself from immigration scams?
Use the old warning from ancient Roman Law: CAVEAT EMPTOR, meaning: BUYER BEWARE. Don’t believe everything you are told. Consult and get a “second opinion” before you part with your money.