Create Vibrant Health Newsletter
How to assess and correct low functioning thyroid with nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation


In This Issue
Symptoms and causes of low thyroid function
The role of iodine in thyroid function
Assessment of thyroid and adrenal imbalance
Levels of thyroid and adrenal imbalance and overview of recommendation programs
What people are saying about Jim's nutritional coaching

"... Suffering from fatigue, exhaustion, sadness, anxiety, insomnia, frequent fainting spells, tremors, awful digestive issues, and so much more. ... I started to research my symptoms, got tested for, and received a positive diagnosis of "adrenal burnout. I was prescribed hormones and cortisol, which I refused to take. ... Jim got me on a diet/supplement program, and I have faithfully followed it. Well I am back!The Me I thought I had lost is back.....and feeling happy, alive and so very grateful to have come upon Jim. A few days ago I told him he was my "hero"....and he is, and so much more....he has saved my life. I am healing! Thank you, Jim!"

Ellie Kane, Big Fork Montana.

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Jim offers live blood cell analysis in the San Francisco Bay Area
I'll be in the San Francisco Bay area November from the 18th-20th offering live blood cell anaylsyis sessions in both the South Bay and East Bay. For click here for my Schedule

For a free 20 minute consultation complete the hormone imbalance questionnaire and do the basal temperature test and preferably the self-test for iodine deficiency and either
  • email the results to me at along with your contact information including best times to reach you or
  • call me at 541.482.2250 to set up a time to review your results.
I will help you identify whether you have an imbalance and how to start correcting any imbalance with a nutrition program that is effective and affordable for you.
Featured Product For November

nano greens

For the month of November NanoGreens is on sale from its retail price of $49.95
to only $42.


We all need vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other plant based phytonutrients. The ideal is to eat between 10-12 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables today. Most of us, myself included, don't get all the plant based nutrient we need.

This is where whole food supplements come into play. The trouble I have had over the years is getting my clients to take green food supplements that didn't taste good. style="border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(255, 255, 150); background-color: transparent; background-image: none; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-position: 0% 0%; cursor: pointer; display: inline;" onclick="leoHighlightsHandleClick('leoHighlights_Underline_0')" onmouseout="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut('leoHighlights_Underline_0')" leohighlights_url="http%3A//" leohighlights_keywords="nano" onmouseover="leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver('leoHighlights_Underline_0')" id="leoHighlights_Underline_0">Nano Greens is the exception - it tastes great even in just water.

Scientific research on the health benefits of phytonutrients tells us that taking isolated nutrient supplements is not the best way to get nutrition. The best way is from whole food nutrition.

Hormone balancing smoothie recipes
Here are two smoothie recipes I have used for helping my clients at all levels of hormone imbalance. Enjoy!

Problems with conventional blood tests for thyroid function

One of the major problems with conventional lab interpretations is that there is an assumption that T4 is adequately being converted to T3. Another problem is that the patient who has low TSH and sufficient T4 levels is assumed to have adequate thyroid hormone; however, as we now know that T3 is the more active form it is essential to assess T3 levels.

T4 T3 conversion inhibitorsA further complication is that many people are poor converters of T4 to T3 and instead convert T4 to something called reverse T3 which actually blocks the cell receptors from utilizing thyroid hormone.

Conventional lab tests are unable to distinguish T3 from reverse T3.

Now do you get why conventional lab tests often fail to diagnose hypothyroid cases? In addition, people taking synthetic T4 (synthroid or levothyroxine) are mistakenly told that they have sufficient thyroid hormone when in fact many are still not getting adequate T3 from poor conversion. They may continue to suffer from all the symptoms of low thyroid and be told to take anti-depressants or led down any number of dead end paths.

YouTube clip of Video introduction

Jim on bridgeYour endocrine system is responsible for producing thousands of hormones which serve as messengers to the cells of the body. Everything from regulating blood sugar and body temperature to helping your kidneys regulate electrolytes and water levels in the body are accomplished by hormones.

What happens when your endocrine system is not nourished properly or is over-stressed by toxins or inadequate rest?

Your energy declines, toxins and excess sugar back up into your cells and these cells start to wear out. You start to age more rapidly and lose the vitality you desire.

Your thyroid and adrenal glands are like two powerful horses that carry your body (the carriage) through life. If they wear down you'll start to crash. Of all the endocrine glands the thyroid is the most important for regulating cellular energy and metabolism. Without a healthy thyroid all other hormonal functions will suffer.

In this newsletter I'll review the common symptoms and causes of low thyroid function, why conventional lab tests do not identify up to 80% of low functioning thyroid cases, how to self-assess low thyroid function and an overview of the three levels of thyroid and adrenal imbalance and components of programs to correct the condition at each level.

Symptoms and Causes of low thyroid function

"It is my opinion that the true figure for hypothyroidism is closer to 40% of the population or approximately 52 million adult Americans"

David Brownstein, M.D. author of Overcoming

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid hormones both stimulate the cellular energy production necessary for life, as well as maintain our body's constant temperature. The thyroid orchestrates the development of our brain and sexual maturation. Its hormones stimulate synthesis of the protein building blocks that are necessary for normal growth and to replenish the constant turnover of billions of cells that keep us healthy and renew our bodies. Harmful cellular waste products accumulate without proper thyroid functions.

Common Symptoms of thyroid insufficiency include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Dry skin
  • Premature aging
  • Headaches
  • Brittle nails and hair
  • Hair loss
  • Intolerance to cold
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Memory impairment
  • Low immune system
  • Constipation
  • Poor digestion
  • Yeast infections
  • Low body temperature
  • Weight gain
  • Dry puffy skin (myxedema)

Underlying causes of Thyroid insufficiency

  1. Iodine/Iodide deficiency
  2. Fluoride, chlorine and bromine toxicity
  3. Heavy metal toxicity
  4. Magnesium, selenium deficiency
  5. Low functioning adrenal glands - low cortisol levels.
  6. Candida (yeast) overgrowth
  7. Low hydrochloric acid production
  8. Over consumption of soy products
  9. Over consumption of goitrogenic foods such as: kale, broccoli, cauliflower
  10. Chemical toxicity including: PCBs, dioxin, DDT and other pesticides, phthalates

The role of iodine in thyroid function and home self test for iodine deficiency

Unfortunately conventional labs test are
often ineffective at determining low functioning thyroid. An inability to distinguish between T3 and RT3 (reverse T3) is one of several problems that has led many doctors to fail to diagnose low thyroid function in their patients (see sidebar on problems with conventional thyroid blood tests).

The best way to test for thyroid insufficiency is to take your basal temperature (under the arm) 5 days in a row upon arising before you get out of bed. Place a thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes and record the reading. Do NOT get out of bed while you have the thermometer under your armpit - this will affect the reading. If you consistently measure at less than 97.8. you are likely hypothyroid.

In addition, according to renowned thyroid medical experts Dr. Mark Starr and Dr. Jerry Tennant, clinical assessment of hypothyroid condition can be confirmed through patient self-assessment questionnaires such as Dr. Tennant's hormone imbalance questionnaire.

Importance of Iodine/Iodide in correcting low functioning thyroid.

A simple home iodine deficiency test will let you know if you have an iodine deficiency. Iodine is an essential nutrient not only for the thyroid to manufacture thyroid hormone, but is essential for all cells to function optimally.

iodine and tyrosineIodine combines with the amino acid tyrosine to form both T4 and T3 hormones. The current RDA of 150 mcg. for iodine is radically lower than the optimal dose for healthy thyroid and immune function which is estimated to be anywhere between 12.5 - 50 mg based on studies of populations such as the Japanese whose women have the lowest rates of breast, uterine and ovarian cancers and whose average daily iodine intake is 13.8 mg per day.

There are two primary reasons people have low levels of iodine

  • Iodine deficiency in diet due to depletion of iodine in the soil and lack of consuming iodine rich foods - primarily seafood and sea vegetation.
  • Increased exposure to chlorine, flouride, and bromine from drinking and bathing water, flouridated toothpaste and adding bromine to processed food supply. These three chemicals displace iodine in the cells aggravating current sub-optimal dietary intake.

I highly recommend everyone filter their drinking water and bathing water from chlorine and fluoride. Realize that standard carbon filters do not take out fluoride from water. You will need a more effective purification strategy such as reverse osmosis or distillation - each of which has their own disadvantages. To assess advantages/disadvantages of various systems I would do an internet search. A good starting point is this site on comparing different systems.

I also highly recommend getting a shower filter to remove chlorine from your shower water since you will absorb more chlorine from a 10 minute shower than drinking 6-8 glasses of chlorinated water.

Overview of Thyroid Hormone Chemistry

Every single muscle, organ and cell in the body depends on adequate thyroid hormone levels for achieving and maintaining optimal functioning. Thyroid hormone acts as the body's metabolic regulator.

In a hypothyroid state the thyroid is releasing inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone to meet the body's metabolic demands and the overall metabolic rate is reduced. This can manifest as fatigue, weight gain, cold hands and feet and any combination of the symptoms listed above.

In the hyperthyroid state the opposite is occurring - too much thyroid hormone is being released cause hyperactivity, excess sweating and many other symptoms.

The thyroid gland produces two major hormones, Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothryronine (T3). The thyroid produces 4 times as much T4 as T3. T3 is 300% more active than T4 and in fact ideally the majority of T4 is converted to T3 inside the cells.

The thyroid gland is stimulated to produce hormones by another hormone TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland. When adequate amounts of thyroid hormone are in circulation TSH levels are lowered.

Assessment of thyroid and adrenal imbalance

There are numerous factors that reduce one's inability to convert T4 to T3 including the following:

  • Nutrient deficiencies: chromium, cooper, iodine, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B2 , B6, B12
  • Medications including: beta blockers, birth control pills, estrogen, steroids, lithium and more
  • Excess consumption of soy products and cruciferous vegetables
  • toxins including: fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, mercury and lead.
  • Adrenal hormone insufficiency (you tube clip of me explaining adrenal insufficiency)
  • stress and radiation exposure including EMFs from cell phones and computers
  • Alcohol
  • Supplements such as alpha lipoic acid.

Because such a large percentage of the population has one of more of these contributing factors which inhibit T4 to T3 conversion and conventional thyroid medical tests cannot distinguish T3 from reverse T3 it is no wonder than so many people are suffering from a hypothyroid condition.

Steps to take for evaluation of thyroid/adrenal imbalance

Conventional lab tests can be helpful to identify hypothyroid conditions in approximately 1 in 4 cases, but for the other 3 out of 4 cases you'll need other forms of assessment which may include:

  • Basal temperature - as directed above
  • thyroid and adrenal hormone assessment questionnaire
  • Any lab tests you already have on hormone function
  • iodine deficiency assessment: either the self test described above or iodine loading test from a lab. If you want this test let me know and I will connect you with a reputable lab.
  • Live blood cell analysis which will give you a good idea of how toxic your bloodstream is,shows radiation and chemical damage levels to blood cells and gives secondary indications of candida and fungal overgrowth of the intestinal tract.
  • Adrenal gland function assessment either through:
  1. lab tests, this is done by testing saliva levels and costs anywhere from $100 to several hundred dollars;or
  2. through a combination of the above adrenal gland function questionnaire and a simple test you can do with a blood pressure monitor (which can be purchased at a drug store for between $25-$60).
Take your blood pressure while sitting down in a chair and record this number, then lie down on your bed or couch and relax for several minutes then stand up and take your blood pressure after you are standing up for 15 seconds.

Your blood pressure should go up on the second test or at least stay the same, if the second test registers a lower blood pressure that means your adrenal glands are too weak to pump up your blood pressure when you stand up and is a strong indicator of at least a mild adrenal insufficiency.

  • Hair mineral analysis can help identify mineral imbalances, toxic metal levels and thyroid/adrenal function.
It is not necessary to have all of these assessments, just the ones that make sense for your circumstances and are affordable for you.
Three levels of imbalances and overview of recommendations

There are three levels of imbalances with different therapeutic programs necessary for correction:

  1. Level One: People with mild endocrine imbalances - these can often be corrected in 1-3 months. Symptoms are not as severe or long standing
Diet, lifestyle, basic food-based supplements, detoxification of toxic metals and chemicals and certain isolated nutrient supplements and herbal support formula.
  1. Level Two: People with moderate endocrine imbalance - these people will often need between 3 -6 months to feel balanced and substantially improve their symptoms; however, can be transitioned to maintenance program once their symptoms are improved.

The above recommendations and additional support from glandular formulas (desiccated thyroid, adrenal and others if necessary) and higher dosages of certain nutrients: iodine, zinc, selenium, B-Vitamins, and others.

  1. Level Three: people with severe endocrine imbalances: - these are the most difficult cases but will also improve with the correct program to address underlying causes. If hormone deficiencies and imbalances are longstanding and severe some form of glandular support may be necessary for the long term or lifetime.

The above recommendations and possibly hormone analogs (DHEA, Pregnenolone, Melatonin) and bio-identical hormones - as prescribed by a holistic practitioner or physician.

With all levels of endocrine system imbalance it is helpful to identify the correct diet for your unique biochemistry. There are numerous ways this can be done. I prefer identifying your metabolic type and get you started on your metabolically correct diet plan.

This can be done through Nutri-Spec metabolic imbalance testing which I can do in my office or through a self assessment process through a metabolic typing intake questionnaire. which may involve more trial and error but is less expensive and can be done without coming in for any testing.

My experience has been that even with longstanding hormone imbalances it makes sense to utilize level I and II programs first to see if progress can be made. The reason being that introducing hormone analogs and medication will inhibit your body from manufacturing its own hormones and lead to dependency on synthetic substances for your function which can have numerous unwanted side-effects.

Although more people are being diagnosed with low thyroid function than ever before the true number of us with low functioning thyroid is most likely 3-4 times higher than we are told.

Fortunately if you are willing to do some simple self evaluation and are open to dietary and nutritional advice you can correct this condition in a reasonably short period of time.

Feel free to call me at 541.482.2250 or contact me by email at with your feedback and/or questions.

Wishing you a wonderful day.


James Jordan
Create Vibrant Health
On a comprehensive Hair mineral analysis and interpretation. Information from this test includes: mineral deficiencies, toxic metal excretion levels, thyroid and adrenal insufficiency. The normal rate is $150 for the lab test and one hour consultation including specific recommendations on diet, lifestyle, detoxification support and nutritional supplement program. Call me by December 1st to set up your hair mineral analysis and pay only $125.
Offer Expires: December 1, 2010