St. Philip's Church in the Highlands
February 16, 2021
A message from our Rector...
The holy season of Lent begins this week. Which means it has been almost one full year since the pandemic altered our lives. But there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccines are being distributed, warmer weather is on the horizon, and the promise of regathering is close. So, how do these promises of new life, and the Easter promise of new life, even when considered in a time of desolation, affect you today? Join us tomorrow at 12:00 Noon or 7:00 P.M. either online or in person (limited to 10 people) and explore these questions as you begin this year's Lenten journey with your St. Philip's family. I hope to "see" you there!
Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, February 17
Noon and 7:00 PM
(at the church and online)
If you would like to attend either service in person, please Sign up here.
Please indicate which service you would like to attend, and the number of people attending.
Service will be limited to 10 people in person. Please see links below to join.
Sunday February 21, 2021 at 10am
Holy Eucharist Rite II
To attend virtually please visit our (and subscribe) Youtube channel. All are welcome!
Coffee Hour!
Please join us for virtual coffee hour after service starting at 11:15am. To join click here.
Password: 522570
Lenten Evening Prayer
7:00 PM Thursdays in Lent
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
in the church and Online via Zoom
For more information on all worship offerings at St. Philip's please visit our website.
Activities @ St. Philip's
Please check out our calendar for full descriptions and upcoming events at St. Philip's.
Lenten Book Discussion
Thursdays in Lent following Evening Prayer
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
Being Christian by Rowan Williams
Come join St. Philip's friends after Evening Prayer to discuss this book by our former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Williams' short book covers four basic areas of what it means to be Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. We look forward to learning from each other!
St. Philip's Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Following the 10:00 AM Zoom worship service
Come hear about our 2021 budget, ministry reports, and vote in the vestry election. Voting will take place the week before the meeting, so keep an eye on your email for details.
St. Philip's Nursery School Update
St. Philip’s Nursery School is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Visit the Website at to apply, or contact Anita Prentice, Interim Director at
St. Philip’s Nursery School students enjoy playing together indoor and out this winter.
Join the Altar Guild
If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity at St. Philip’s, please consider joining the Altar Guild ministry. Guild members care for the linens and vessels used during worship and they prepare the sanctuary before and after services. The time commitment, scheduled in advance, is flexible – an occasional hour or two every few weeks. Experienced Guild members are available to train and support new members. All are welcome! If you would like more information, please contact the parish office at for more information.
Memorial Altar Flowers are a wonderful way to remember and honor a loved one.
Altar flowers also spread joy to those in need; through our Flowers for Friends ministry, after services, altar flower arrangements are taken to someone in need. If you are interested in honoring someone with a donation of altar flowers AND spreading joy to those in need, please call the parish office at 845-424-3571 or email at for more information.
As we all know and have experienced, COVID has made it difficult for us to connect in the ways we normally are able. We aren't together in worship, coffee hour, or fellowship events nor are we having the frequent in-person conversations that help us remain connected and grow together. So, to connect during this time and build community, you are invited to participate in small group discussions with Amanda and the St. Philip's vestry. These small group discussions will take place between now and the annual meeting in March. Discussions will be via Zoom, each will be no longer than 90 minutes.
If you have not yet signed up, please click here to be added to an upcoming session.
Prayer List
Beth Crocito, Julie Lilburne, Preston Pittman, Beth Cody Kimmel, Eric Wagner, Robert Dickey, Bruce Taylor, Caron Dunkeley, Jack Sandlund, David Redden, Linda Vrooman, Melissa Turner, Isabella Sumano, Robert Culp, Brian Nice, Henry Atkins, Elmer Romero, Luther Scales, Emily Scales, Lisa Petrocelli, Victor Ruiz, Sheilah Rechtschaffer, Michael Guadagnoli, Karen Ratazzi, Eddie O'Connell, Sara Breen, Lewis Geer, Judi Dixon Joe Garafolo, Jr., and Deedee Garafolo.
Philipstown Food Pantry Seeking Donations:
In response to a greater need during Covid-19, St. Philip's is now collecting food for the pantry! To donate, place nonperishable items either in the box on the parish house porch or in the church vestibule. Donations will be brought to the pantry on a regular basis.
There has been a recent outbreak of Covid 19 at St. Christopher's Inn, a men's residential recovery center at Greymoor in Philipstown. They are grateful for donations of masks, gowns, and financial gifts to assist them during this challenging time. A box labeled "PPE Donations St. Christopher's" is on the parish house porch. To donate funds please click on the link below. Thank you for your support of our friends in need.
St. Philip's Mission Statement
As a vibrant and thriving member parish of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, St. Philip’s in the Highlands is a radically inclusive spiritual center for our community. We celebrate in the Episcopal tradition, work to transform lives through Christ and his teachings of love and justice, and to help restore all to unity with God.