I Out-of-Class Chronicles I Sept. 27, 2024

Join the Spartan Experience Record team for the following events to gain greater insight on how to use your SER to your advantage.

  • Student Additions to the SER / Monday, Oct. 14, 11:00-12:00... Learn the process to add new experiences to the Spartan Experience Record and earn a back-to-school swag bag. 
  • Tell Your Story / Tuesday, Oct. 15, 9:30-11:00... Discuss goal alignment, resume development, and interview prep with Ambassadors while using your SER as a resource.
  • Trail Mix & Transferrable Skills / Wednesday, Oct. 16, 10:00-12:00... Craft trail mix to enjoy by reflecting on the transferrable skills you’ve developed thanks to out-of-classroom involvement.
  • Envision & Engage / Thursday, Oct. 17, 5:00-7:00... Create a vision board to take with you after a discussion on goal visualization. Pizza will be provided.
  • Faculty & Staff Workshop / Friday, Oct. 18, 9:30-11:00... A comprehensive overview of the SER for faculty and staff.
SER Week Information

Social Media Feature

Share your Spartan story with us to be featured on social media at any time by filling out the student feature form below.

SER Week Special: The first 15 students to share their own Spartan story during Oct. 14-18 will receive a MSU Dairy Store coupon for free ice cream!

Student Feature Form

Peer Education Sessions

Spartan Experience Record peer education sessions are offered on a drop-in basis. Sessions are designed to introduce MSU Undergraduates to the SER as both a record and a tool.

Ambassadors discuss what the SER is, how it can be used, where to request your SER and more, all while addressing your specific questions along the way! 

  • Mondays 12:30-1:00
  • Wednesdays 9:30-10:00
  • Fridays 2:30-3:00
Learn More

FAQ Highlight:

What is the Spartan Experience Record?

The Spartan Experience Record (SER) showcases student learning beyond coursework through experiences, from on-campus employment to student organization involvement and more. It is the MSU-verified document a student receives listing all their co-curricular experiences.


Add to the Spartan Experience Record


The Spartan Experience Record team is excited to hear from you about the out-of-class experiences you’re involved in, especially those experiences that are not yet included in the SER. Undergraduate students can submit an experience to be included in the SER via the student submission worksheet. Ambassadors are happy to assist students through the submission process. Email for assistance throughout the process or once submissions are complete.

Submit an Experience
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