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Let Your Voices Be Heard - Upcoming Deadlines!

Women in Sciences Leadership Workshop

Applications for the  Women in Sciences Leadership Workshop close today - don't miss this opportunity to build your leadership skills and network with other women in science!  This is the 2nd annual workshop, sponsored by NOAA and the  Earth Science Women's Network , and co-lead by OOMD's Emily Smith. This 2.5 day workshop will take place in Boulder, CO the week of November 4th. To learn more and apply click here.
Article1Call for Abstracts: AGU Track Data Session

On behalf of the organizers, we welcome your submissions to a session looking at how we manage, use, and visualize "track" data, such as that collected by sensors on airplanes, drones, ships, and vehicles. This session will take place at t he  AGU 2019 Fall Meeting (Dec. 9-13 in San Francisco, CA).
Session Description: Many different types of projects collect track data, which describes the time and location where Earth science measurements were made along the path traversed by a ship, airplane, drone, vehicle, or hiker. The users and managers of this data tend to be associated with particular domains (such as ocean sciences, terrestrial ecology, or atmospheric sciences), which can limit the exchange of ideas and methods for working with this type of data.  This session is an opportunity to explore and share approaches for storing, discovering, visualizing, and analyzing track data, in an effort to identify recommended practices and opportunities for further collaboration across science domains.

Primary Convener:  Bruce Wilson; ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,  Conveners:  Heather Holbach; Atlantic Oceanographic and Meterological Laboratory, Hurricane Research Division, NOAA;  Deborah Smith; NASA IMPACT Project;  Shawn Smith; Marine Data Center, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University 

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 July, 11:59 P.M. ET

Please share with any interested colleagues.

TPOS Public Comment Period Open:  NOAA's R&D Plan 2020-2026

A public comment period on the  draft NOAA (R&D) Plan for 2020-2026 is now open. Public comments will be used to help set the course for R&D at NOAA in the coming years. Please provide your input via email to  [email protected] and include the subject line "NOAA R&D Plan Public Comment".  Comments are due by August 26, 2019.   For more information, please see the  Federal Register Notice .  

More news to follow in our July Community Newsletter. 
Have a great weekend!
As always, for the OOMD Community, by the OOMD Community. 

Do you have news to share with the OOMD Community, or beyond? 
Contact Jessica Mkitarian: [email protected] or  (301) 427-2472.