Confirmation Information Form due by January 15
Sponsor Eligibility Form due by January 20

St. Emily and St. Thomas Becket Parishes
November 1 , 2019
enrollmentEnrollment mass on November 16

The Confirmation candidates in 2020, as well as those in 2021, will state their intention to prepare for the sacrament at a mass at 5:00 PM on Saturday, November 16 at St. Emily. They will also ask for the prayers of our local faith communities.

Please plan to join us for this special mass!

Please let Cathy Crino know if you would like to read at this mass.

Information we will need about your sponsor and patron saint

We hope that you have given these important decisions some consideration since the orientation meeting last fall.  Now, finally, is the time to share your decisions with us!

form Fill out this form with all the information we will need for your certificate and entry into the sacramental records.  If you are not a St. Emily school student, write an essay about your patron saint and include it on this form. (If you are in the school, Mrs. Kinasz will collect your essays.)  This form is due by January 15.

sponsorSince your sponsor is often someone you might see over Thanksgiving, we want to pass this eligibility form on to you.  Please give it to your sponsor and have him/her have it signed and sealed by their own pastor.  Then, it should be returned to Cathy Crino in the Religious Education office by January 20.
More Works of Mercy Opportunities
  • Jillian Altosino, the Life Enrichment Director at Citadel Healthcare is eager to have students help with baking, decorating cookies, making goodie bags to give to shelters, making crafts, coloring, painting. playing games such as Bingo, Trivia, Sing-a-longs/Christmas Carols.

    "We are also looking for any hidden talents such as singing, playing a musical instrument, etc. We are open to any suggestions you might have as well."

    If you would like to volunteer with the elderly, contact her at [email protected] or 847-795-9700.
  • Help with the St. Emily Dinner Dance invitations. Help to stuff and label the invitations going out in the mail.  Come to Hajdu Hall on Tuesday, November 12 at 7:00 PM.
  • The St. Emily St. Vincent de Paul Society needs help with organizing their Christmas collection on Sunday, November 17.  Sign up here for the time(s) you can work.
  • An elderly neighbor who lives close to the St. Emily parish grounds, on Marcella, needs help shoveling their driveway.  If you are interested in volunteering, contact David Mika.

You can find ideas on these lists for things to do in your everyday life.

Confirmation will be March 15

Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, March 15 at 2:00 PM.  Bishop Rojas, our Vicar here in Vicariate I, will confirm our candidates.

You'll receive more information at a later date, but for now, get the date on the family calendar!
datesConfirmation prep dates for your family calendar

Put these dates on your family calendar now!  You'll receive more information in the weeks and months to come, but you will have the time set aside.
  • Enrollment mass - Saturday, November 16 at 5:00 PM.
  • Retreat - Saturday, January 11 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This retreat is mandatory.

Quick Links
St. Emily Parish
Catherine Crino, DRE
St. Thomas Becket Parish
Renata Sosin, CRE