Last Call

RSVP Escambia

May 2023

Pre-register by Thursday . . . May 11 @ 8AM

Friday's Lunch & Learn

May 12 @ 11 AM to 1 PM

Guests Welcome

Hurricane Preparedness

The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. Let's learn how to prepare with Emergency Manager Travis Tompkins.

This event will be at Escambia County Public Safety on 6575 North "W" Street off Pensacola Boulevard near the car dealerships.

Due to the importance of this topic . . . Please invite family members and others who would benefit from the information Travis will share. Please pre-register yourself then email the RSVP Manager with your guests' names.

Pre-Register for Lunch

Pre-register by Friday . . . May 12 @ Noon

Twelve volunteer spots available.

Only four left! Sign up soon!

Sort Food for Manna

Wednesday, May 17

9 AM to Noon

3030 North "E" Street

RSVP volunteers will sort dry and canned goods collected in the "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive. Manna will distribute the items to our neighbors who are food insecure.

Pre-register for Manna

This Saturday . . . May 13

Help Manna Feed Hungry Neighbors

Leave Food by Your Mailbox

The Stamp Out Hunger food drive is this Saturday, May 13. Organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), this is the largest one-day food drive in the country.

Participate by leaving non-perishable food donations by your mailbox for your letter carrier to collect. Food collected here stays here!

Suggested food items include: canned fruit in 100% juice, canned mixed vegetables, canned chicken, canned tuna, dry breakfast items (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal), peanut butter, and/or dry beans. Avoid glass containers, home-made items, and opened containers.

Quarterly Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


Visit the RSVP Website