Escambia County

Mid-Month Blast

June 2023

Lunch & Learn

Wednesday, June 21 @ 11 AM - 1 PM

Florida Blue - 1680 Airport Boulevard

RSVP members and guests fifty-five and better are invited to this month’s Lunch and Learn. Keynote speaker Inger Berg will present a checklist for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health as defined by the American Heart Association.

This is your opportunity to learn a few easy steps to living a healthier lifestyle. These changes can help lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.

In addition, Dean Easterwood from Ears2Hear will share information on the connection between the ability to hear and the quality of life as we age. Ears2Hear is our annual sponsor for RSVP Lunch and Learn events.

Pre-Register for Lunch

Volunteer Opportunity: Stuff the Bus

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP members are invited to participate in the annual "Stuff the Bus" school supply drive. This initiative works to ensure every student in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties is equipped with the tools to succeed in the upcoming school year. This is the only school drive supported by both school districts.

Thursday, July 20 at 9 AM to Noon

Four RSVP volunteers are needed to staff a shift at the Walmart Super Center at 2650 Creighton Road. Reserve your spot by emailing the RSVP Manager.

Note: If this time or location doesn't work, volunteers are still needed at the Walmart Super Centers on US-90/ Milton, Navarre Parkway, and Tiger Point.

Highlights of May Service Projects

Sorting Donations at Manna - May 17

Manna received over 87,000 pounds of food from the recent "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive sponsored by the United States Postal Service workers. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP members checked for bugs and other critters in the dry goods to ensure Manna's facility avoided contamination.

Volunteers and staff included: Nancy Bass; Cynthia Hankin; Donna Hoffbauer; Judy Hopkins; Vickie Jacob; Sharon Jacob; Robert Kugelman; Mary Ellen Lett; Janet McCoy - RSVP Manager; Gary Medley; Barbara Quinn; and Laureen Wicker.

Two-for-One with ReadingPals and VITA - May 18

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP members met in the Community Room at UWWF to prepare personalized thank you cards for ReadingPals mentors and sort VITA paperwork to support financial stability.

Volunteers and staff included (left to right): Kristy Craig - ReadyKids! Program Director; Janet McCoy - RSVP Manager; Vickie Jacob; Mary Ellen Lett; Laureen Wicker; and Sharon Jacob.

Save the Dates for Lunch & Learn

All events are 11 AM to 1 PM

Tuesday, July 18

Pensacola: Discover Parks & Demystify Parking

Bayview Senior Center - 2000 East Lloyd Street

Wednesday, August 23

Continuing Education: Our History & Your Future

Pensacola State College - 1000 College Boulevard, Building 96

Monday, September 18

Smartphone Tech Tips with TDM Technologies

Bayview Senior Center - 2000 East Lloyd Street

Stay tuned for more details in "Get Connected."

Annual Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


Visit the RSVP Website