The Pro-Life Feminist

Informational Updates

Upcoming Events!


Celebrate Women's Equality Day, the 101st anniversary of women's right to vote, by learning about our feminist foremothers and the challenges they faced with a special presentation by Carol Crossed, Author of Vintage Tweets & President of FCLNY.

Join us for a virtual presentation and discussion hosted by

Feminists For Life of America on August 26th at 7pm!

Email to RSVP


Join FCLNY this year for our 4th Annual Celebration Dinner!

September 16, 2021

Century Club Rochester, NY 14607

RSVP by 9/12

Keynote Speaker

LA State Senator Katrina R. Jackson

Tickets, Sponsorships & Ads.

Limited availability. Consider putting your business in our program! We can design the ad for you.

FCLNY Annual Dinner Invite 2021 _2_.png
RSVP / Details Here

Tickets Per Person $100


Platinum, $5,000

(Two Tables of 10, Full Page Ad, Program Recognition)

Gold, $2,500

(Table of 10, Full Page Ad, Program Recognition)

Silver, $1,000

(5 Tickets, Half Page Ad, Program Recognition)

Bronze, $500

(3 Tickets, Quarter Page Ad, Program Recognition)

Colored Program Ads

(jpeg, png or pdf)

Full Page $500 (7.5 x 7.5)

Half Page $250 (7.5 x 3.5)

Qtr. Page $125 (3.5 x 3.5)


Feminists Choosing Life of New York along with other pro-life feminist organizations and 240 women scholars and professionals urged the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule Planned Parenthood vs. Casey (1992) and Roe vs. Wade (1973) in an amicus brief filed in Dobbs v. Jackson. It is anticipated that oral argument on the Dobbs Case will occur sometime in October, 2021.

FCLNY will be there, with other pro-life feminists groups, outside the U.S. Supreme Court, holding signs and speaking out for women, for life!

We hope you will join us in Washington, DC for this October rally! We will keep you posted on the day, time and logistics.

The brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on July 29, 2021 has already received press, including in the National Review, and most recently in the Washington Post.

You can read the powerful Amicus Brief here!


FCLNY Hybrid Book Club!

Please join us in person or on Zoom for a hybrid book club! Our choice feature for our upcoming Book Club is Erika Bachiochi's recently published book, The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision. This is what the publisher has to say about this magnificent book! 

In The Rights of Women, Erika Bachiochi explores the development of feminist thought in the United States. Inspired by the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft, Bachiochi recovers an all but forgotten intellectual history that asserts a moral vision of women’s rights and argues for a reawakening of this tradition as an alternative to modern feminism’s focus on autonomy.

November 2, 6:30 - 8:30 pm


Register Here


Erika Bachiochi offers an original look at the development of feminism in the United States, advancing a vision of rights that rests upon our responsibilities to others.

Bachiochi proposes a philosophical and legal framework for rights that stems from political theory, women’s studies, and constitutional law and builds on the communitarian tradition of feminist thought as seen in the work of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Jean Bethke Elshtain. Drawing on the insight of prominent figures such as Victoria Woodhull, Frances Willard, Florence Kelley, Betty Friedan, Pauli Murray, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Mary Ann Glendon, this book is unique in its treatment of the moral roots of women’s rights in America and its critique of the movement’s current trajectory. In addition to exploring how Glendon’s dignitarian vision is particularly reminiscent of Wollstonecraft’s, Bachiochi offers a crucial corrective to the irreconcilable tensions that exist in Justice Ginsburg’s deeply influential autonomy-focused approach.

This smart and sophisticated application of Wollstonecraft’s thought will serve as a guide for how we might better value the culturally essential work of the home and thereby promote authentic personal and political freedom. The Rights of Women will interest students and scholars of political theory, gender and women’s studies, feminist legal theory, and all readers interested in women’s rights.

Erika Bachiochi is a legal scholar specializing in Equal Protection jurisprudence, feminist legal theory, Catholic social teaching, and sexual ethics. She speaks widely on abortion, sexual economics, the impact of the new sexual norms on women and the poor, care ethics, and authentic reproductive justice. 

Feminists Choosing Life of NY

1545 East Avenue,

Rochester, NY 14610


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