High School Parents : Join Us for an Exciting Night!

Dear High School Parents and Guardians,

Meet our new High School Guidance Counselor,

Ms. Skominas! 

We are hosting a special meet and greet on Monday, October 3rd at 5pm in the high school cafeteria with Ms. Skominas where we'll enjoy some coffee, food, and conversation about our high school kiddo's success including college!

HSA and Ms. Skominas care deeply about our students' academic and social excellence which is why we've invited you to be part of this conversation. Parent support is everything and we are dedicated to providing as much support as possible to ensure our goals are attained. 

Please RSVP for this event by clicking the button below:

Click Here: RSVP

Join us for our October PTO meeting tomorrow October 4th at 8:30am in the cafeteria

Join us on October 6th at 5pm with special guest, Amy Kraus, who is a youth empowerment coach as we discuss tips ad strategies to making connections with our children while utilizing self love strategies to empower ourselves.

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