What is to become of these buildings? 

The project to determine what roles the Community Center and the Red Brick Schoolhouse will play in fulfilling the needs of the Town is beginning to pick up steam.  Stakeholder groups will meet on Saturday, April 1, 2017 to explain their space needs and express their ideas for how these buildings should be restored, remodeled or replaced.  Those discussions will be facilitated by Funktion Design Studio, the firm contracted with by the Town Board to help the Town through this decision making process.

More information about the project, including a schedule of activities can be found on the Red Brick Schoolhouse - Community Center Study page of the town website.
     General Spring Election
April 4, 2017 

One very important town race will be on the ballot this year.  Long term Town Clerk, Tom Martens, is being challenged by June Vogel.  Anyone eligible to vote in St. Germain is urged to consider which of these candidates is best qualified to fill this critical position and vote accordingly! 

Three town board members (Chairman Tom Christensen and Supervisors Doug Olson, and Jim Swenson) will also be on the ballot, but none are being challenged.
     Annual Town Elector Meeting
April 18, 6:30pm  

Wisconsin Statutes require towns to conduct an annual meeting of its electors.  This is not a routine Town Board meeting.  It is an opportunity for the people of the community to meet and give direction to the Town Board on topics of their choice.  To learn more about the importance of these meetings and the powers of the people, visit this town website page , then mark your calendar and plan on attending! 
  Amateur Radio “Field Day”
June 24 – 25

Demonstrates Science, Skill, and Service

Members of the Vilas County Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise, June 24 – 25 at the Old Pavilion in St Germain by Highway 70. This overnight event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

There are over 725,000 licensed ham radio operators in the United States, as young as 5 and as old as 100. With orgainzations such as Vilas County Amateur Radio Club, it’s easy for anybody to get involved right here in St. Germain. 

To learn more about the upcoming field day, visit this document on the town website:

To learn more about amateur radio operators, visit the Amateur Radio Relay League website.