Escambia County

Mid-Month Blast

September 2023

Lunch & Learn

Smartphone Tech: Tips with TDM Technologies

Monday, September 18 @ 11 AM - 1 PM

Bayview Senior Center

2000 East Lloyd Street

Pre-Register by Noon on Friday, September 15

This month's Lunch and Learn is at the Bayview Senior Center. Torrence Mack, the owner of TDM Technologies International, will share tips on how to use your Smartphone to work with photos.

Bring your cellphone so you can follow along. This workshop is for both iPhone and Android users.

There is no cap on registration this month since we are meeting in a large multipurpose room at the Bayview Senior Center.

This program is free of charge but pre-registration is required by Noon on Friday, September 15. Please use one of the two links below to pre-register.

Have an account? Register in "Get Connected."

New to RSVP? Register on the UWWF website.

After pre-registering, email Janet McCoy if you have dietary restrictions.

On-Going Volunteer Opportunity ReadingPals

Do you have a passion for education, an excitement for reading, or a desire to impact a child's life? You can make a difference by volunteering 45 minutes a week. Become a ReadingPal and help a child on their path to kindergarten readiness.

Learn more from Program Manager Kari Lindemann

Email: | Mobile: 850-572-3674

Website: | FLYER

Volunteers Needed on Friday, October 20

30th UWWF Day of Caring

Day of Caring connects volunteers with local nonprofit agencies and schools in need of support. This is your chance to take part in one of the largest single days of volunteerism in our community!

Volunteers are being recruited to serve at nonprofit agencies and schools that need projects done in Escambia and neighboring Santa Rosa county.

Various Day of Caring opportunities are listed in "Get Connected"--the volunteer management software for the United Way of West Florida. Click this link to view numerous service sites and activities.

You will need a "Get Connected" account however, to pre-register. Julia Helton, Community Impact Coordinator, can help you set up an account and answer any questions about Day of Caring. Please join us in serving the community!

Want to learn more about AmeriCorps Seniors?

RSVP Information Session & Volunteer Orientation

Friday, September 22

1:30 - 2:30 PM

United Way of West Florida


7100 Planation Road

Suite 18

Click to Pre-Register

Annual Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


Visit the RSVP Website