June 10 Kula Cocktail Party, Friday, 6:00-9:00pm, $50.-
June 11 Backyard Herbalists Gathering, Saturday, 12:00-4:00pm
June 18 Kula Volunteer Day, Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm

May 28 Composting and Vermiculture, Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
June 16 Cannabis Industry, Thursday, 7:00-8:00pm
June 25 Yoga & Meditation, Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm

Kula After School Ages 12-16 
Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00pm
June 2 Hydroponic Growing
June 9 Teen Volunteer Garden Work
June 16 Garden Cooking Class
June 23 Teen Volunteer Garden Work

Kula For Kids Ages 4 - 8, Saturday
July 18 Can you Undo Water Pollution? 10:30am - 12:00pm

Kula For Kids Ages 8 - 12, Saturday
July 18 Healthy Cuisines from the Garden, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Kula Homeschool Ages 4-8 Tuesday
June 21 Summer Solstice 1:00 - 2:30pm
Kula Cocktail Party 
June 10
$50.- All Inc.
Cocktails mixed by: Haute Feast
Sound by:
Beach Side Productions & Flying Cat Studios
Quincy Mumford
Lorelai Waka
Recycling Revelations
Matt van Oosterhout and Marie Rusconi
Do you recycle toothpaste tubes, coffee pods & bottle caps?
You actually can recycle toothpaste tubes and coffee pods in Monmouth County, but you can't recycle bottle caps -unless- you put them back on the bottle.

On May 21st, Marie from Mazza Recycling and Matt from Kula went over several items and to many surprise, some items could actually be recycled, like yoghurt tubs, and some couldn't, like juice cartons.

Many items had a recycle logo but still had to go in the trash and many items that most people were putting in the trash could actually be recycled.

The presentation was recorded and will be posted on our Youtube Channel at a later date.
Kula T-Shirts: $20.-
Canvas Bags: $4.-
It's the time of year when new items appear every week in our online store.

School Field Trips
This May we hosted: Wall High School and Sisters Academy of New Jersey
Wall High School Students
Sisters Academy's Eco Warriors
Meeting the Moment

Interfaith Neighbors is poised to bring its experience, compassion and commitment to Monmouth County in a bold new way – with the MEETING THE MOMENT Campaign, an $18 million initiative to create a bridge for fundamental change. We attended that launch of the campaign where amongst others, our Executive Director Paul McEvely presented some of our future plans.
Attention to all Herbalists!
We are looking forward to hosting a special event at the Farm for the community of herbalists and those interested in learning about using plants as medicine. The presenters are excited to share their knowledge with the community!
Gardening Series Workshops
Saturday, May 28, 1 - 2pm

Vermiculture is the practice of using worms to decompose food scraps to make highly nutrient rich fertilizer. This is something that many people do inside their home if they lack the space outside. 

We recently started our own worm farm here at Kula (pictured right), it's where the Kula Kids leave their apple cores after class. 

Did you know we maintain a community compost site? Learn more about it here.
Kula For Kids ages 8-12
June 18, 1:00 - 2:30pm

Healthy cuisines from the garden.
We will be learning about some of the vegetables you can grow right in your own backyard and preparing our own healthy nutritious snacks like garden fresh salsa and smoothies. Each participant will go home with their own mini salsa garden to plant at home! 
A class by Ms. Kelly Stone
Kula For Kids ages 4-8 
June 18, 10:30am - 12:00pm

Can You Undo Water Pollution?
Dirty, polluted water can make people sick. Children will experiment and learn just how hard it is to undo water pollution.
When various natural water bodies on the Earth, such as lakes, rivers, underground aquatic reservoirs, seas, and oceans are subjected to contamination from man-made activities, such a phenomenon is termed as water pollution. Artificial chemicals, pollutants, particles, and other objects making their way to these water bodies is what results in their pollution.
Students will conduct an experiment to see if they can clean polluted water and listen to the story We Are Water Protectors. Ms. Michele Morey is back and looks forward to teaching the children all about water conservation. By Miss Michelle Morey
Some more pictures from April.
Delivery to one of our customers, in this case for Cardinal.
Kula Homeschoolers on the look out for Monarch butterfly eggs.
Chef Austin O'Brian from Mutiny BBQ addressing our guests at again yet another fabulous Farm to Table Dinner.

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.