Farm to Table Dinner 5:45 - 8:00pm, $65.-         
May 19 Chef Austin O’Brien / Pitmaster Tom Dunphy from Mutiny BBQ

May 7   Mindful Mother's Day Saturday, 1:00 - 2:30pm
May 21  Kula Open House Saturday 11am-3:00pm
June 10 Kula Cocktail Party Friday 6:00-9:00pm
June 11 Backyard Herbalists Gathering Saturday 12:00-4:00pm

Workshops Saturdays
May 21 Mazza: Recycle this? Yes or No? Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
May 28 Composting and Vermiculture, Saturday, 1:00-2:00pm
June 16 Cannabis Industry, Thursday, 7:00-8:00pm

Kula After School Ages 12-16 
Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00pm
May 5 Mother's Day Planter Project
May 12 Teen Volunteer Garden Work
May 19 DIY Indoor Hydroponic Planter
May 26 Teen Volunteer Garden Work

Kula For Kids Ages 8 - 12, Saturdays
May 7 Bee Hotel and Seed Bombs, 10:30 - 11:45am
May 14 Art Class - Nature is the Muse, 10:30 - 11:45am
Save the date:
Kula Cocktail Party 
June 10
Drinks by:
High Noon
Gallo Winery
T.B.D. Brewery
Kula Cocktails
Sound by:
Beach Side Productions & Flying Cat Studios
Quincy Mumford
Lorelai Waka
Kula Farm Open House
May 21st, 11am - 3pm

All Day Workshops and Activities for Kids!

Mazza's Recycling Presentation at 1 pm.
Mazza's Single Stream Recycling Facility
Do you Recycle?
Ever wondered if an item should go in the trash or if it can be recycled? This is your chance to get all the answers. Mazza now receives all of your recycling at their single stream facility in Freehold. A member of their team will explain what can and what cannot be recycled, and how your recyclables are processed in their facility.
By Brynn Mosello at 1pm.
And More!
Composting and Vermiculture by our own Lori Garton.
Beekeeping by our favorite local beekeeper; Ray Pogwist. 
Plant sale: kale, lettuce, strawberries and much more.
Kids activities: Natalie Hayes, our resident teacher, will set up shop for the day to make it complete.
Local Beekeeper Ray Pogwist
School Field Trips
This April we welcomed many new faces to the farm.
We hosted:
Voyagers' Community School
Hope Academy Charter School
Sisters Academy of New Jersey
Monmouth Beach Elementary School
Culinary Training Class of Fulfill

We are so excited to host Sisters Academy's Eco Warriors every month now, we are ready to get down in the garden with them!
Voyagers' Community School
Fulfill's Culinary Training Class
Monmouth Beach Elementary School
Sisters Academy's Eco Warriors
Sisters Academy's Eco Warriors
Hope Academy Charter School
Asbury Park Restaurant Tour

We would like to thank our friends at the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce for inviting us once again to participate in the annual restaurant tour. We had well over 100 visitors to our humble Farm, and met so many wonderful people!
Attention Herbalists!
We are looking forward to hosting this special event at the farm for the community of herbalists and those interested in learning about using plants as medicine. The presenters are excited to share their knowledge with the community!
Gardening Series Workshops

We had to cancel Lori's Vermiculture workshop in April, hopefully she'll be back to teach it on May 28th. Vermiculture is the practice of using worms to decompose food scraps to make highly nutrient rich fertilizer. This is something that many people do inside their home if they lack the space outside. 

We recently started our own worm farm here at Kula (pictured right), it's where the Kula Kids leave their apple cores after class. 

Did you know we maintain a community compost site? Learn more about it here.
Kula Homeschool is on hold, we hope to be back in the future.
Kula For Kids ages 4-8 

The Kula Kids ages 4-8 painted kindness rocks and crated fairy gardens. Thank you so much Ms. Michelle the kids love you!
Kula For Kids ages 8-12

This month we'll make Bee Hotels and Seed Bombs with Ms. Kelly Stone on May 7th, and we'll have a Nature Inspired Art class with Ms. Kelly Louis on May 14th.
Check out our social media pages! Support us by liking, reviewing or following us!

New: we now accept
Venmo: @kulafarm
Some more pictures from April.
Teresa Maltz (left) during the DIY Hydroponic Herb Project Workshop
A student showing his Fairy Garden at Ms. Michelle's class..
Chef Darren Monroe's magnificent Farm to Table Dinner
Lori Garton and some of the volunteers that came to our Volunteer Day
Siarra Morris from Yogi Vibezz leading a Yoga and Meditation class.
Neighbors stopping by to adopt plants.
Chefs Heather Merriken's and Matt Carmona's extravagant Farm to Table Dinner.

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.