Upcoming Events

Dec. 2 Vegetarian Farm To Table Dinner and Wine Pairing 

by Guest Chefs Marilyn Schlossbach and Nora Watson from the Langosta Lounge, $85, 5:30 - 8:00pm

Dec. 3 Project Write Now: Poetry and Plants Writing Workshop and Open Mic, 5:30 - 7:30pm


Dec. 17 Holiday Nature Crafts, all ages, 10:30am - 12:00pm

Kula Club Ages 12-16, 3:30 - 5:30pm

Dec. 8 Recycle Art Holiday Edition

Kula Homeschool Ages 4-8 1:30 - 3:00pm

Dec. 2 Fire Safety

Dec. 9 Cooking with Herbs

Dec. 15 Winter Solstice Craft (Thursday class)

Register For Free
Dinner Tickets

Kula Farm to Table 


Wine Pairing 

by guest chefs 

Marilyn Schlossbach and Nora Watson

Friday, Dec. 2, 5:30pm

Vegetarian Dinner featuring Two Rivers Mushrooms.


A grand 5 course meal with excellent wine pairing. 

Stay tuned for the menu.


Tickets | $85.-

Poetry and Plants Open Mic with Project Write Now

Join us for an evening of celebrating poetry and plants alike. In partnership with Interfaith Neighbors, this free community event kicks off with a writing workshop. Attendees are encouraged to experience the farm and the plants surrounding them in the greenhouse and spend some time writing based on this inspiration. Immediately following is an open mic, during which everyone has an opportunity to share what they wrote and/or a previously written piece. Any sort of ode to plants is a bonus!

Register on the Project Write Now site

Holiday Horticulture & Craft Workshop

Saturday Dec. 17, 10:30am - 12pm All ages

The December holidays are full of associations with plants. Learn about the origins and significance of plants that are used during the holidays and make inexpensive crafts and gifts from these plants and others. In addition, participants will get an opportunity to sample some drinks and foods made from these plants. Bring a holiday mug or container, a handkerchief/ bandana and small tote bags.

Lucy Brinew is a retired teacher from Pemberton Township High School. She loves playing with her grandchildren & finding inspiring things to do. Plants, making herbal remedies, healthy food and creating artwork are some of the things that inspire her.

Teresa Maltz is an avid gardener and teacher. Currently, she works as a job coach for the HOPE Program at Allaire Community Farm. She has worked as an Educator for a number of years and has been a registered horticultural therapist through the American Horticultural Therapy Association since 2008

Register for Kula Club

Kula Club ages 12-16.


Dec 8 Trash Art: Holiday Edition!

Join Mrs. Natalie Hayes in an educational and engaging experience in our gardens during Kula Club

Natalie is pictured on the left with her volunteer crew at the Kula Farm Without Borders. If you need community service hours for school this is a great opportunity to complete them!

Kula Homeschool

Homeschool days at Kula Farm are most Fridays from 1:30 – 3pm.

Each time we’ll explore different aspects of farming, gardening, food and nutrition, or nature.

Friday Dec. 2 Fire Safety

Friday Dec. 9 Cooking With Herbs

Thursday Dec. 15 Solstice Crafts

Classes are organized by Lori Garton, assistant manager of the Kula Farm. She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Horticulture and has been working on organic farms for over 15 years. She is also a homeschooling parent.

Register for Homeschool

SeedMoney Challenge Fundraiser

Donate to the SeedMoney challenge

We are trying to raise money for our Farm Without Borders project, our new goal is $5000, (initial goal was $3500). 15 days left, see here how much we currently have raised.

As you may know, we are just a small part of a larger non-profit; Interfaith Neighbors. The Pat Roddy Band is doing a fundraiser for them, hope to see you there!

Support! - Buy Tickets!

November Highlights

Teacher Natalie and Interfaith Director Paul McEvily talk about our afterschool program.

Teacher Natalie Hayes and Interfaith Director Paul McEvily talk about our Kula Afterschool program (now called Kula Club).

Vegan Friendsgiving

We had a wonderful time and met many new friends at our Second Annual Friendsgiving event at the farm. Many thanks to Siarra Morris, KYDS and Claire Taylor for bringing us all together. Over 30 people participated and brought to the table a vegan dish to share resulting an a huge spread that yielded plenty of leftovers for people to take home and give to others.

Insect and Spider Walk

Mr. Eugene didn't disappoint!

Even though it was a little late in the season we were able to find lots of spiders and insects in the greenhouse and gardens. Mr. Eugene M. Fuzy entertained us with lots of fun facts about the critters that we found.

We plan on doing it again in the summer!

Kula for Kids

The Kula Kids learned about leaves and plants in general, we found lots of colorful leaves in the gardens that we used to do a little project and then read a nice book. Ms. Michelle couldn't make it unfortunately, but farmer Matt happily took over. We'll continue in the spring with more classes.

Sisters Academy

Fridays with the Sisters Academy are always fun and engaging. This November we focused on saving seeds and processing herbs from the garden for next season and learned about the importance of leaving leaves in the garden for overwintering insects that in turn feed the birds next spring. We will miss hosting this group until classes resume in the late winter.

Homeschool Season Wrap up

We had such a great season hosting homeschool this fall. The season will conclude with a winter solstice craft this month as we bid goodbye to another calendar year and make plans for the spring to come.

Pumpkin SMASH!

Many thanks to Lauren Lastimosa from Unwaste Movement and all the people who brought pumpkins to the farm for us to compost in this popular and fun event. Our stalwart volunteer crew as well as area residents helped chop up over 1000 pounds of pumpkins in style. It's a pleasure to build soil through events like this and we look forward to the pumpkin patch that will spring from the compost next year!

GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant


We received a GroMoreGood Grant from kidsgardening.org to install informational signs on composting, Monarch butterflies and how to accommodate pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Come check them out sometime!

Friday Plant Sale and Farm Stand

Visit us on Fridays from 11-3 as we will continue to offer our greens, microgreens and herbs for sale throughout the winter. We will also continue to restock our plant selection with our own succulents we have lovingly nurtured from cuttings. We appreciate everyone who takes the time to stop by the farm and support us! That includes our loyal farm stand customers old and new-THANK YOU!

Kula Urban Farm

115 Atkins Ave.

Asbury Park, NJ 07712




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Kula Urban Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.