Upcoming Events

Mar. 11 Spring Planting & Planning Workshop, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Mar. 11 Seed Swap and Garden Supply Drive, 1:00 - 3:00pm

Mar. 17 Kula Homeschool, 1:30 - 3:00pm

Mar. 18 Build a Bat House Workshop, $25.-, 1:30 - 3:30pm

Mar. 24 Kula Homeschool, 1:30 - 3:00pm

Mar. 24 Cannabis Industry Workshop, 7:00 - 8:00pm

Mar. 25 Kula for Kids by Meagan Greenberg, 1:00 - 2:00pm

Mar. 26 Kirtan Music meditation, 10:30 - 11:30

Mar. 30 Kula Club, 4:00 - 5:30pm

Mar. 31 Kula Homeschool, 1:30 - 3:00pm

Apr. 2 Poetry & Plants, Writing Class & Open Mic, 3:00 - 5:00pm

Register For Free

Save the Date

Kula Cocktail Party

Friday May 12

Let's get Growing!

Spring Planting and Planning Workshop

Saturday March 11, 11:30am - 12:30 pm

Join Lori and Lisa in discussing the spring garden, soil needs, the where and when of seeding and (if the weather permits) active demonstrations. If you are new to gardening or have questions about your own garden this is a great opportunity to join with fellow gardeners to discuss and share knowledge. The annual Seed Swap directly follows this event so stay late to look through the seeds we have to offer and those of our friends. We will have tea, coffee and refreshments for our guests. 

Register for Free

Seed Swap and Garden Supply Drive

March 11, 1:00 - 3:00 pm

The Annual Seed swap gives people a chance to SHARE SEEDS they may have saved or have left over from last season. You do not need to have seeds to participate, Kula and our friends have many that we have saved that will be available to share. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow gardeners of all experience levels and talk about gardening. We will also be collecting any old or unused garden supplies from your garage or shed to share with the local community. Don't miss this awesome event!

Kula Homeschool is Back!

Fridays 1:30 - 3:00pm

In each class we’ll explore different aspects of farming, gardening, food and nutrition or nature.

The classes are generally geared toward ages 4-8, but all are welcome as we discuss topics that some explore into high school.

Mar. 17 Spring Equinox Celebration

Mar. 24 Warm Season Crop Seed Starting

Mar. 31 Cool Crop Direct Seeding

Register here

$5.- Suggested Donation

Classes are organized by Lori Garton, assistant manager of the Kula Farm. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Horticulture and has been working on organic farms for over 15 years. She is also a homeschooling parent.


We’ll have Kathleen Kerwin from Rutgers’ Wildlife Conservation and Management Program to answer all your bat questions, and to entertain you with some nice bat facts.

Build a Bat House Workshop

Saturday Mar 18, 1:30 - 3:30pm

Bats need our help. Bats usually find shelter in dead trees, but those are hard to find nowadays. Bats eat a ton of insects around dusk, just when those pesky mosquitoes come out. So, let’s help them find some shelter this summer.

In this workshop you’ll be constructing a small roosting box. It will be too small for a permanent colony, but big enough for a nice temporary shelter.

The bat house will be made out of a single wood board. It will be precut in the right sizes for you. All further necessary tools and materials will be provided.

You can build it all by yourself, or bring a friend to help you. Four hands will make it easier than two. We’ll also be there to assist. Minors should be accompanied by an adult.

Cannabis Industry Workshop

Friday Mar. 24, 7:00 - 8:00pm

The photo above shows last months class where Douglas Glander from Shore Grow Hydro presented his Commercial Indoor Cultivation seminar.

This workshop series is to learn about the upcoming cannabis industry in New Jersey. Participants will be offered help on how to start their own business and offered an opportunity to tie it into a larger network of local businesses.

This time our host Christopher Chiappetta will do a cold water extraction to make hash and we’ll have guest speaker Sean Banks on making infused Canna Sugar capsules, with plenty of time to mingle afterwards.

Register here

This class will be taught by

Meagan Greenberg-Impellizzeri


Over The Moon Art Studios.

Register here

Kula for Kids

Saturday Mar. 25, 1:00 - 2:00pm

More info to follow.

Kirtan is a form of singing meditation set to music that connects us to our hearts and divine wisdom.

Chanting, like meditation, occurs across many cultural and spiritual linages and is open to all.

Chanting in a group allows for all voices to become one unified voice, regardless of singing ability. Generally participants will sit in a comfortable position as in a yoga class or in a circle. The words sung or chanted by the leader accompanied by an instrument is in a call-and-response style song or chant. Quickly, easily and in a fun way, kirtan generates positive moods and a sense of community and connection to people and nature.

Kirtan Music Meditation

Sunday Mar. 26, 10:30 - 11:30

Lead by Vivian Taormina (pictured above) and accompanied by Roseanne Davis on fiddle.

Register here

Kula Club is Back!

Thursday Mar 30, 4:00 - 5:30pm

Doors open at 3:30pm, we'll start at 4:00pm and finish around 5:30pm.

A few times a month on a Thursday afternoon we invite local teenagers to come hang out at the Farm after school. We'll do some work and you might learn something new. Your help is greatly appreciated!

This time we could use your help to setup a research experiment to find out how we can get the best plant growth in the greenhouse. 

The program is lead by Ms. Natalie, who is a former science teacher at Asbury Park High School and is currently seeking a Master’s Degree in plant Biology at Rutgers University. Apart from being a professional dancer, Natalie is a gardener, and takes a strong interest in small space growing, herbal plant care, and organic gardening.

Register here

February Highlights

We love engaging with school groups. Pictured above is the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Garden Squad. They visited 3 times in February, and we hope to have them

back in the Spring.

Ericka Uter reading a book on Martin Luther King Jr. in a Kula for Kids class.

Meagan Greenberg-Impellizzeri introducing Levy Okun at a fundraiser for the Farm at Over the Moon Art Studios in Asbury Park. There were also performances from Kiersten Blue, Bryson & Co. and Welcome Matts. We greatly appreciate the support of the vibrant arts community in Asbury Park!

Stephanie Siciliano from yogatherapynjs.com leading a Sunday morning yoga class.

Making and decorating drums with Teresa Maltz and Lucy Brinew which was followed by a drum circle led by Sister Isis.

Eating greens makes a big difference this time of year! Every Thursday we pick, wash and pack our greens blend for our loyal customers who visit the farm to pick up on Fridays. Some even bring their compost and ride their bike or walk, making the visit to get their greens even greener. Thank you!

Kula Farm Store

We are all looking forward to the 2023 growing season and all the insects, birds and people that the garden will attract. We are fortunate and thankful for the land that we have to care for and try to maximize the ecological function of the space by having a variety of species represented. Pictured above is the garden prepped in March and the Arugula to come in early June.

Kula Urban Farm

115 Atkins Ave.

Asbury Park, NJ 07712




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Kula Urban Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.