Upcoming Events

June 7: Kula Homeschool - Insects in the Garden, 1:30pm

June15: Insect and Spider Walk - By Eugene M. Fuzy, 1:30pm

June 21: Kula Homeschool - Solstice Celebration, 1:30pm

June 21: Kula Cocktail Party - With Sharon Lasher, 6:00pm

June 22: Healing with my Mama - Garden Tea Party, 12:00pm

June 25: Evening Herb Walk - By Kim Bradle, 6:00pm

June 29: Mix and Yoga Flow - By AP Sober Socials, 6:00pm

June 30: Kirtan, singing meditation - By Vivian Taormina, 10:00am

Register here

Kula Cocktail Party

Friday June 21, 6:00 - 9:00pm, Ages 21+

Come celebrate the longest day on the summer solstice!

Live music by

Sharon Lasher

Tanner Grigoli

Mark Van Sant

Open bar and passed hors d'oeuvres by Trixie's Supper Club.

Made possible by our sponsors: Beach Side Productions and Flying Cat Studios, Ripe Life Wines, High Noon Sun Sips.

Order Cocktail Party Tickets

Kula Homeschool

June 7: Insects in the Garden

June 21: Solstice Celebration

1:30 - 3:00pm

In each class we’ll explore different aspects of farming, gardening, food, nutrition, and/ or nature and engage in a gardening project.

The classes are generally geared toward ages 4-8, but all are welcome as we discuss topics that some explore into high school.

By Lori Garton

Register here

Insect and Spider Walk

June 15, 1:30 - 3:00pm

All Ages

By Eugene M. Fuzy

We have invited Mr. Eugene M. Fuzy again to walk with us in our gardens and greenhouse to find out what kind of spiders and insects we have around. We open this exploration to the public for a fun-filled tour with spider and insect lore told by Eugene. He has been performing insect talks for over 20 years and his class will appeal to 5-year-olds and adult experts alike.

Eugene will identify photos of New Jersey insects that you bring with you, on your phone or physical.

This event is dedicated to healing and strengthening the relationships between mothers and their children through “Tea Time”. Tea has been used for thousands of years in alternative medicine to help heal the body, soothe the soul, and calm the mind.

  • Healing workshop activities
  • Guest speakers
  • Music
  • Light refreshments
  • Holistic herbal tea
  • Raffle for special prices
  • Gift bags for attendees

This is a free event, donations welcomed, please wear pink or purple.

Register here

Evening Herb Walk

June 25, 6:00 - 7:00pm

with Kim Bradle

Join us for an evening walk through the gardens at Kula Farm and learn about the many medicinal plants that are growing. Depending on what is available herbs will be harvested for an herbal preparation such as a tincture, oil infusion or tea.

This walk is intended to be an engaging and hands on experience for everyone. All experience levels are welcome.

Kim Bradle is an herbalist, Reiki practitioner and mindfulness and meditation facilitator.

This event will last about an hour and is the first in a series we will continue through the summer.


Join AP Sober Socials for a guided Yoga Flow with Tiffany Wallace followed by Mocktail Mixer provided by Off the Rocks.

Space is limited, email apsobersocials@gmail.com to register.

$10 suggested donation.


June 30, 10:00 - 11:30am

By Vivian Taormina

Kirtan is a form of singing meditation set to music that connects us to our hearts and divine wisdom. Chanting, like meditation, occurs across many cultural and spiritual linages and is open to all.

Experience a calming to the mind, heart opening and settling into the body to enjoy the present moment.

Register here

May Highlights


We were so happy to partner with the Asbury Park Library and Blue Dot Community to help pack seeds for the brand new Asbury Park Seed Library. Here seeds can be taken free of charge and if you save seed of your own you can make a deposit back into circulation. We look forward to saving many seeds from this growing season to add to the library. Thank you Library Lex for establishing this relationship!

Homeschool Harvests for Food Pantry

We have a bountiful crop of Salad Mix growing at the Farm without Borders and the homeschool kids did a great job of washing and drying before bagging and donating to the Bethel AME food pantry next to the farm.

Tyquan is the first to have joined Kula's work program through a new connection made with the Monmouth County Workforce Development Program. We're excited about this new cooperation and love having locals work in the gardens and greenhouse.

The Kula Kids learned about the water cycle and experienced the power of water first hand by trying to stop a landslide from happening.


We have had such a great response to volunteering at the farm this season and want to extend our deepest thanks to each and every person who has come out to help us in the gardens.

We had a fantastic Volunteer Appreciation Party on the Farm Without Borders where we enjoyed a potluck BBQ that was shared with passers by. A big thank you Matt and Kim, our fearless volunteer leaders who made the event so special.

Thank you Clean Ocean Action! They collected over 150 pounds of banana peels and apple cores from their Student Summit for our community compost pile (they also have a bin in their office). Composting is the most accessible way for us to recycle and has an immediate impact on the environment. We thank everyone who drops compost at our community compost pile. You are all making a difference.

The College Achieve students wanted to do another carpentry class so we made bat houses, they also learned about organism classification and did some chemistry for fish keeping purposes.

They also got to do several erosion experiments/simulations and learned about why plants are important to prevent erosion.

Erosion experiment

Amongst many others, our friends and gardeners Jess and David stopped by for plants. We hope to see you too sometime!

We love sharing our seedlings with the community. Pay what/if you can.

It's best to come by on Fridays between 11am-4pm.

REMEMBER it's never too late to garden! We have a long growing season and there are a wide variety of vegetables and herbs can be cultivated through the year. Many people think that if the tomatoes are not in the ground by now its "too late" and that is incorrect!

Come by to chat on Fridays about growing, we are here to help.

Shop Kula Farm

Our products are seasonal, we’ll be adding new products to our online store on a weekly basis.

Thank you for supporting your local grower! 

For any questions, inquiries or concerns, please contact us at info@kulafarm.org or at 732.455.0511. For more info visit kulafarm.org and check out our socials below. We're located at 115 Atkins Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey. We welcome you or your group to visit us for a tour, a private class or event!

Please be so kind as to contact us to plan your visit ahead of time.

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The Kula Urban Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.
