Our teachers will take a summer break, and we will take time to focus on our gardens and the summer camp groups that will visit this summer. We will continue the Friday Farm Stand which soon will have many new listings as we get into summer!

Upcoming Events

July 6: Kula For Kids - With Miss Joi, 10:00am (rescheduled)

July 30: Poetry and Plants - By Project Write Now, 3:00pm

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Save The Date

Kula Cocktail Party

Friday, September 22

Kula For Kids, ages 4-8yrs

Saturday July 6, 10:00 - 11:00am

Join us as we'll do some coloring, and make a nice windchime craft!

A class by Ms. Joi Lacono. Joi is a former public school art teacher with a passion for teaching, creating and sharing the joy of art.

Register here

Join us for an afternoon of celebrating poetry and plants alike. In partnership with Project Write Now, this free community event kicks off with a writing workshop. Attendees are encouraged to experience the Farm and the plants surrounding them and spend some time writing based on this inspiration. Immediately following is an open mic, during which everyone has an opportunity to share what they wrote and/or a previously written piece. Any sort of ode to plants is a bonus! There will also be some live music to set the ambiance for the occasion.

June Highlights

Farm Without Borders Early Summer Garden Update

Learn about what is growing at Kula's Farm Without Borders in the Early Summer.

Kula Homeschool is out for summer, the last class was a solstice celebration.

Chef Collins, always happy, he did an excellent job on the Farm to Table Dinner.

Many thanks to STEAM Park afterschool program that allowed us to engage with the students of the Sisters Academy this season. We look forward to working with them again. Collaborations like this are incredibly meaningful to us.

This is Lori Garton teaching about composting and vermiculture (worms).

Here's Kula Club hanging out in the garden and learning about herbs. Many thanks to our teacher Natalie Hayes who designs such interactive and engrossing lessons for the students.

We are very pleased to host Belmar Arts Center's Plein Air group for this perfect intersection of art and nature.

Chef Pablo from Haute Feast did an amazing seafood boil at The Farm, their next event at Kula will be a Taco Party on September 9th.

Here some shots from the Flower Pounding Workshop by Vivian Taormina and Robin Drogin.

These Volunteers from Deloitte got some good work done at the Farm Without Borders.

We had another great Cannabis Industry Workshop by Christopher Ciappetta, Sean Banks and guest speaker Patricia A. Patton from the Cannabis Business Alliance.

And finally an very informative Breathwork class by Christine Conforti, she provides a lot of holistic services, check her out: christineconforti.com

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Kula Urban Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.