Upcoming Free Events

July 7 Cannabis Industry Workshop, Thursday, 7:00-8:00pm
July 16 Spanish Yoga & Meditation, Saturday, 10:30-11:30am

Kula Club Ages 12-16, Thursdays 5:30 - 7:00pm
July 7 Teen Volunteer Day
July 21 Teen Volunteer Day
July 28 Kula Garden Relays
Save the Date:

Kula Cocktail Party 
Friday September 9 6-9pm
$50.- (All incl.)
And check out a video from our last Cocktail Party.
New: Kula Club
School is out for summer and so is our afterschool program.
But as requested, we'll continue to welcome local teenagers to the Farm during Kula Club evenings; Thursdays 5:30-7:00pm, ages 12-16, hosted by Mrs. Natalie Hayes.

Natalie is pictured on the left with her volunteer crew at the Kula Farm Without Borders.
New: Meditation & Yoga for Beginners in Spanish
Restore Your Body, Mind, & Soul with Meditation & Yoga for Beginners in Spanish Guided by Ericka.

Discover inner peace!! This class provides a calm relaxation space to let go of tension, focus on your breath, and let all your stresses fall away.

Restablece Tu Cuerpo, Mente, y Corazón con Meditación y Yoga para principiantes – Guiado por Ericka. 
¡Descubre la paz interior con la meditación y movimiento de yoga!
Esta clase proviene un espacio de relajación tranquilamente para dejar ir la tensión, concentrarse en la respiración y dejar que todo el estrés desaparezca.
Ericka Uter: Mother, Guide, Inspirer, Lover of Humanity.

Using the eternal now, one day at a time, Ericka wishes to help her community incorporate different healing traditions to navigate the occurrences of everyday life. Ericka believes in the power of mediation, yoga, and breathwork as transformative and healing practices.
Kula Homeschool is taking a well deserved break
School is out for summer, also for the Kula homeschoolers. They ended the year with a summer solstice celebration where they made crowns out of flowers.

Kula For Kids - Can You Undo Water Pollution?

They tried, but Miss Michelle and the Kula Kids made their water so dirty, it just couldn't be cleaned anymore. They learned a lot about how to protect our water. We'll be back with more Kula For Kids classes in the fall.
Cannabis Industry Workshops
We hosted another super informative workshop on the cannabis industry, this time we had a focus on tinctures. Several participants as well as the presenter are applying for licenses or have related business ideas. Next time we'll focus on Edibles and will have Patricia A Patton from the Cannabis Business Alliance as well as Wesley McWhite III, Director of Diversity and Inclusion from the NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission partake in the discussion afterwards.

Thursday July 7, 7:00-8:00pm
Christopher Chiappetta's tincture demo
Some more pictures from June.
Ray, our newest Kula Farm Experience participant preparing for the Kula Cocktail Party.
Haute Feast's Carey Semprevivo mixing a drink at the Kula Cocktail Party. Here she is mixing a cocktail made from our oun peas, it was delicious!
Guests at the Kula Cocktail Party, thank you for your support!
One of our weekly donations to our next door food pantry that is operated by the Bethel AME Church.
We grow a wide variety of produce for the food pantry and donate every Wednesday for free distribution. Currently we are growing collard greens, calaloo, cucumbers, hot peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, okra, beans, chard, beets, eggplant, squash and herbs. Thank you to the hardworking staff at the food pantry!
Kula Kids trying to clean their dirty water.
Food Justice coordinators from across NJ held a meeting in the garden to discuss food access and distribution. We were so pleased to host them!
The Sisters Academy visited one final time. We look forward to their return in the fall, they are such an amazing group!!! Here they are collecting worm castings before heading out to plant Malabar Spinach on the Farm Without Borders.
Garlic Drying, Milkweed Blooming, Collard Greens and Strawberries are just a few highlights of what the gardens provide.
We are looking forward to hosting the many summer camps and classes that are scheduled to visit the farm in the next two months and to share with them our philosophy on how to garden along with nature.
Tuesday Volunteer Day!
Cassie and Kim, 2 of our stalwart volunteers attack
the GIANT mulch pile on the Farm without borders.
Volunteer Day is Tuesdays from 10-2 pm.
We are so pleased that so many residents use our community compost pile and care about recycling their kitchen scraps. All of the compost we generate we use on the Farm Without Borders to amend the soil.

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Kula Urban Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.