Farm to Table Dinners 5:45 - 8:00pm, $65.-         
April 1  Chef Darren Monroe from White Chapel Projects
April 29 Chefs Heather Merriken and Matt Carmona from Talula's

April 9  Volunteer Day, Saturday 10:30am-12:00pm
April 24 Asbury Park Restaurant Tour, Sunday 12:00-4:00pm

Kula Homeschool, Ages 4-8
Tuesdays 1:00 - 2:00 and 2:30 - 3:30pm
April 5  Seed Bombs
April 12 Transplanting         
April 19 Tree Identification            
April 26 Spring Foraging         

Kula After School, Ages 12-16 
Thursdays 3:30 - 5:00pm
April 14 Nature Watching in the Garden
April 21 Earth Day Awareness: Oil Spills
April 28 Reduce, Reuse & Recycle 

April 2  Meditation, 12:30 - 1:30pm
April 16 DIY Hydroponic Herbs Workshop, 1:00 - 2:30pm
April 21 Cannabis Industry Workshop, 7:00 - 8:00pm
April 23 Vermiculture Workshop, 10:30am - 12:00pm
April 23 Aromatherapy and Meditation, 1:00 - 3:00pm 
April 30 Healing Yoga Flow, 12:30 - 1:45pm 

Kula For Kids, Ages 4 - 8 
April 16 Kindness Rocks & Gardens, 10:30am - 12:00pm 

Kula For Kids, Ages 8 - 12 
April 30 Empowered Bodies Yoga, 10:30 - 11:45am

---Workshops & Classes are Free---
Donations Welcomed!
Save the date:
Farm to Table Dinner 
Thursday, May 19th
With Chef Austin O’Brien and Pitmaster Tom Dunphy 
from Mutiny BBQ
Recent News
Garden State Equality held an event at the Farm. We support their hard work on lifting up the LGBTQ+ community.

The event was organized in collaboration with Interfaith Neighbors, Yogi Vibezz and Meliabloomshop, we were happy to provide the space.

Let us know if you would like us to host your next event.
We won a GroMoreGood Grassroots Grant from by Scotts Miracle Gro Company!
With the award money, we hope to install several environmental awareness signs! We plan on showcasing good composting practices, the monarch butterfly life cycle and migration, our phytoremediation project and rainwater catchment system.
Gardening Series Workshops

Lori gave another great composting workshop. Next month, on April 23rd, she will be teaching a vermiculture workshop. Vermiculture is the practice of using worms to decompose food scraps to make highly nutrient rich fertilizer. This is something that many people do inside their home if they lack the space outside. 

We recently started our own worm farm here at Kula (pictured right), it's where the Kula Kids leave their apple cores after class. 

Did you know we maintain a community compost site, learn more about it here.
Healing Yoga by Stephanie Siciliano. 

Stephanie is a Clinical Social Worker and Yoga Teacher specializing in trauma healing. Her practice, Therapeutic Yoga & Counseling Services is located in Ocean, NJ. She believes in the innate worth and ability to heal in all humans and is dedicated to creating safe spaces that allow for people to explore their own healing journey.

Stephanie will host two classes on April 30, one for adults and one for youth ages 8-12.

Kula at School
Since it can be hard for schools to get transportation to get to the Farm, we have been providing some classes on site, in particularly for the youngest's students at the Hope Academy in Asbury Park. The older students at Hope Academy continue to visit the Farm, just like students from the Sisters Academy of New Jersey.
Kula After School

Mrs. Natalie will be back too next month with more afterschool classes. These classes are open to all and are also a great opportunity for homeschoolers.

We are very happy to announce that Natalie officially joined our team!

Apart from teaching the afterschool classes, Natalie will also be reaching out to area schools to setup educational programs at the farm. 

Are you an educator? Let is know if you and your class would like to visit sometime!
Kula Homeschool extra sessions added due to popular demand.
The homeschool community has really embraced the Farm over the last few months. 

We now offer two sessions of the same class; Tuesdays 1-2pm and 2:30-3:30pm.
Kula For Kids 

The Kula Kids ages 4-8 learned about the harmful effect of plastic this month. They learned that turtles sometimes mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. Turtles love eating jellyfish and that's why we love turtles even more! We created jellyfish out of plastic bags and made clay turtles. It was so great to have Ms. Michelle over again, she really knows how to grasps the kids' attention. This month she will be back on April 16 to create kindness rocks and fairy gardens
Kula Kids ages 8-12 learned about energy and made wind powered vehicles.
Kelly Stone really went the extra mile to make sure they got all the tools they needed.
Connecting the Community.

Teresa Maltz and Siarra Morris both have been giving workshops at the Farm and recently bonded when they were scheduled for the same day. They decided to join forces and host an event together, called: 'Restoring the Community' with Aromatherapy and Meditation, on April 23rd.

Teresa 's Aromatherapy workshop last month was well attended. This month she will host an DIY Hydroponic Herb Workshop, on April 16.
Siarra from YogiVibezz will also be back with another meditation class as her class had more participants then ever. She will be back on April 2nd.
A scene from the aromatherapy workshop.
Seed Swap Success!
Despite the rain and snow we had an excellent turnout to our annual Seed Swap. The crowd had a great time exploring the seeds and shared stories about gardening, growing and foraging. We will continue to offer our seeds to the community as the season continues. Email us to see what seeds we have available. 

Thank you to all those who donated garden tools, they will be put to good use!
Cannabis Industry Series
New Jersey municipalities are currently accepting applications for grow-, manufacturing-, distribution and retail licenses. We help connect and educate the community about opportunities and how to get establish in this exciting new industry.
The series is led by Christopher Ciappetta, co-owner of Good Feeling Farms who recently completed an apprenticeship and is applying for a license himself. His recent workshop was very informative and had a great turnout with lots of networking afterwards. No question was left unanswered. The next workshop will be on Thursday April 21st from 7-8pm. Register here.
Yes, don't worry, we are still foremost a farm / trainee site and recently welcomed back a former Kula Farm Experience participant; Robert Simms. He's been in the program before, so he knows the ropes and we are happy to have him back.
We also still appreciate your orders through our online store very much and were happy to welcome a new restaurant customer: 2nd Jetty Seafood.
Hope to see your soon at the Farm!
Check out our social media pages and support us by liking, reviewing or following us.
New: we're on TikTok.
Workshops and classes are in part made possible through the support of Hackensack Meridian Health and the Gannett Foundation.
For more information, please visit

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is a social enterprise of Interfaith Neighbors.