In our age of the ubiquitous and instant digital image, never more has the physical photographic object stood out from the rest of the medium and declared itself art. The traveling exhibit, "Mirror With a Memory" features the work of artists who make unique, historical and alternative process images. Please join us to celebrate the exhibit of one-of-a-kind photographic images curated by Brett Henrikson. And for those interested in making their own magical photographs, you can learn the wet plate collodion process from Brett in his workshop on October 22-23, 2016.

Exhibit October 20 - November 12, 2016
Curated by Brett Henrikson
Opening Reception October 20, 2016, 5-9pm

Mirror with a Memory is an exhibit of works by the artists and craftsman who have taken back the chemical and physical qualities of the photographic medium. Since the rise of digital imaging there has been a push back from a new generation of photographers that seek a tangible object; something that can be held, touched and treasured.   More info....

Mirror With a Memory includes works by Michelle Rogers-Pritzl, Marky Kauffmann, and Tony Sehgal
All images are copyright © 2016 the respective artists


Saturday & Sunday, October 22-23, 2016
Brett Henrikson: Artist, Photographer, and Educator
Registration fee $465 per person ( register before September 21, 2016 for $405)

Photographs come to life and take on a timeless quality when created with the wet-plate Collodion process. Images feel simultaneously real and dreamlike. In this intensive, 2-day workshop, Brett takes you on a hands-on exploration of historical techniques that enhance the textural and painterly effects of photography.  More info....

Experience Brett's step-by-step process of exposing and processing wet-plate collodion prints ©2016 Brett Henrikson


For more information please email [email protected] or call (401) 225-6792