Upcoming Trainings at A Better Way
- Please forward this announcement to your colleagues who serve Children, Youth and Families in care.
- Interested in having trainings at your site? We sponsor Title IV-E eligible trainings at your site if you have 6 or more eligible participants. Inquiries: Trainings@abetterwayinc.net
- Join our mailing list here to see future training announcements.
Please see the bottom of this announcement for important disability accommodation information
Preventing Vicarious Trauma for Professionals Working with System Involved Families
- with Beverly Kyer
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Monday, February 4th
- Berkeley
An Introduction to Law and Ethics for Working With System-involved Youth (2 Part Training)
- with Jean-Paul Eberle, LMFT
- CE Credit available
- 9:30am-12:30pm
- Part 1: Tuesday, February 5th
- Part 2: Tuesday, March 5th
- San Leandro
Understanding, Engaging, and Maintaining Social Justice Action with Youth and Colleagues in the Child Welfare System
- with Natalie Thoreson, M.Ed.
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Wednesday, February 6th
- Berkeley
Teachable Moments in the Child Welfare System: Leaning in and Learning from Youths’ and Colleagues’ Oops (Microaggression) Moments
- with Natalie Thoreson, M.Ed.
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Thursday, February 7th
- Berkeley
Culturally-Sensitive Restorative Practices in African-American Culture
- with Gabriel Kram & Earl Simms of Applied Mindfulness
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Friday, February 8th
- Oakland
Understanding A Cultural Framework on Family Therapy for Child Welfare Professionals
- with Jeanette Lopez-Urbina, LCSW
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Monday, February 11th
- Berkeley
Understanding Polyvagal Mindfulness for Child Welfare Workers
- with Gabriel Kram
- 1:30pm-4:30pm
- Wednesday, February 13th
- Berkeley
Understanding Clinical Supervision in Social Work and Mental Health Practice (15-hour)
- with Lisa Cohen-Bennett, PhD.
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-5:45pm
- Thursday, February 14th & Friday, February 15th
- Berkeley
Understanding Somatic Healing for Clinicians and Child Welfare Professionals of Color
- with Micah Hobbes-Frazier
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-3:45pm
- Tuesday, February 19th
- Berkeley
Working with System Involved Families: Fulfilling and Managing Your HIPAA/ Mandated Reporting Responsibilities
- with Jaclene Camacho
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-12:15pm
- Wednesday, February 20th
- Berkeley
Crisis De-Escalation and Safety in the Field for Professionals Working with System Involved Families
- with Inecir Matthis
- CE credit available
- 1:15pm-4:15pm
- Wednesday, February 20th
- Berkeley
Supporting LGPQ-TI2S and Gender Non-Conforming Clients & Colleagues in the Child Welfare System
- with Hideko Akashi
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-12:15pm
- Thursday, February 21st
- Berkeley
Developing Cultural Humility in our Work with System Involved Children, Youth and Families
- with Hideko Akashi
- CE credit available
- 1:15pm-4:15pm
- Thursday, February 21st
- Berkeley
Using Art to Support System-Involved Children and Youth Experiencing Grief and Loss
- with Eleanor Ruckman, LMFT
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:15pm
- Friday, February 22nd
- Oakland
Working with System-Involved Youth Impacted by the Police and Criminal Justice System
- with Jon Gilgoff and Michael Lee
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Friday, February 22nd
- Berkeley
Professionalism and Time Management Best Practices for Professionals Working with System-Involved Families
- with Kimberly Murphy and Anjelle Louie-Skates
- 1:15pm-4:15pm
- Friday, February 22nd
- Berkeley
Strategies for Good Health: For Ourselves and the Court Dependent Families We Serve
- with Stella Sheldon
- 9:15am-12:15pm
- Monday, February 25th
- Berkeley
Understanding Suicidality in the African American Community for Child Welfare Professionals
- with Colette Reid-Horn
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Monday, February 25th
- Berkeley
Skills for Preventing Burnout and Promoting Wellness for Child Welfare Professionals
- with Micah Hobbes-Frazier
- No CE credit available
- 9:15am-3:45pm
- Tuesday, February 26th
- Berkeley
An Introduction to Restorative/Transformative Justice for Professionals Working with System-Involved Youth
- with Micah Hobbes-Frazier
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-3:45pm
- Wednesday, February 27th
- Berkeley
Addressing and Mitigating Self-Harm in Youth in Foster Care
- with Jean-Paul Eberle, LMFT
- CE credit available
- 2:30pm-4:30pm
- Wednesday, February 27th
- Berkeley
Clearing the Barriers to Efficiently Completing Paperwork for Professionals Working with System-Involved Youth and Families
- with Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW
- No CE credit available
- 9:15am-1:15pm
- Thursday, February 28th
- Berkeley
Identifying and Intervening with Highly Sensitive System-Involved Youth
- with Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-12:15pm
- Friday, March 1st
- Oakland
Strategies for Teaching Restorative Justice Practices to Youth and Children In Foster Care
- with Deb Cuny
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Friday, March 1st
- Oakland
Understanding the Internet as an Environment with the Power to Acculturate for Child Welfare Professionals
- with Gabriel Kram of Applied Mindfulness
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Monday, March 4th
- Berkeley
Facilitation and Communication Skills for Child Welfare Professionals: Engaging in Critical Dialogues with Love and Compassion
(2-Day Training)
- with Natalie Thoreson, M.Ed.
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Monday, March 11th
- Tuesday, March 13th
- Berkeley
Understanding Polyvagal Mindfulness for Child Welfare Workers
- with Gabriel Kram of Applied Mindfulness
- 1:30pm-4:30pm
- Tuesday, March 12th
- Berkeley
Supporting Grief and Loss for Children, Youth and Families in Foster Care
- with Beverly Kyer
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:45pm
- Thursday, March 14th
- Berkeley
Understanding Clinical Supervision in Social Work and Mental Health Practice (15-hour)
- with Lisa Cohen-Bennett, PhD.
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-5:45pm
- Thursday, March 14th
- Friday, March 15th
- Fairfield
Understanding Art Therapy and Sensory Integration in Work with Foster Youth
- with Eleanor Ruckman, LMFT
- CE credit available
- 9:15am-4:15pm
- Friday, March 15th
- Berkeley
To receive a CE credit you MUST sign and include your license number (LMFT, LCSW…Etc.) on both the Sign-In and Sign-Out Sheet. CE Certificates will be sent within 30 days via email to the address you used to register for the training. Participants must attend entire training to receive CE Credits. CPA and CAMFT Accredited: A Better Way is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for MFTs/LCSWs. A Better Way is approved by the California Psychological Association (CPA) to provide continuing professional education for psychologists. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) now recognizes CPA continuing education credit for license renewal for LCSWs and MFTs. A Better Way maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Not all courses provide CE credit, please see the registration page for CE details.
Training Cancellation Policy
There is currently no charge for trainings for eligible participants. If a course must be cancelled, the course instructor and registrants are notified via phone and/or email no later than one week in advance. In the event that an instructor has an emergency and must cancel a course with less than a week notice, we will notify participants immediately via email and include information regarding a rescheduled date. We request email notification 48 hours in advance of training date from participants whom cannot attend a course.
Training Grievance Policy
A participant has the right to seek support for a dispute or disagreement through A Better Way’s policies for filing complaints/grievances for visitors and employees. Participants may use available informal means to have decisions reconsidered before filing a formal complaint/grievance. No retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a participant for filing a complaint/grievance. In an effort to provide the highest quality services to participants in our trainings, you are encouraged to report immediately any concerns regarding your training to the Training Director who will provide the complaint form. All participant complaints/grievances should be in writing to: |Training Director | A Better Way Training Department | 3200 Adeline Street | Berkeley, Ca 94703; Or by email
. Once a complaint or grievance has been submitted, a response can be expected no later than ten (10) business days. Upon receipt, the Training Director will conduct a formal review of the complaint/grievance and will attempt a timely resolution. If no resolution is forthcoming, or the problem is not satisfactorily resolved, the participant may direct any complaint/grievance to the Director of Administration.
A Better Way will make reasonable efforts during the training to accommodate qualified individuals with disabilities and/or medical conditions in accordance/compliance with the State Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and applicable statutes. To request an accommodation due to a disability/medical condition during this training, please contact the Training Department (listed on the training announcement) no later than three weeks before the training unless otherwise arranged with training department. The training department meets all applicable local, state, and federal standards, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101-12213 (2008).
By registering for our training, you are consenting to protect the confidentiality of our clients. Further, as an attendee you must abide by Private Health Information(PHI) and HIPAA guidelines/laws as it pertains to the to our program participants, and to not disclose participants’ identities or information to any outside entities. We thank you for training with us, and honoring this ethical and legal practice in ensuring the safety of participants’ right to privacy.
A Better Way Training Department and contracted instructors do not discriminate against any individual or group with respect to any service, program or activity based on gender, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age, or other prohibited basis. Attendees are not required to adhere to any particular religion or creed in order to participate in training. No single modality of treatment is promoted or advocated for that is discriminatory or likely to harm clients based upon current accepted standards of practice.
Please contact us with any training needs!
With gratitude,
Title IV-E Training Department
A Better Way, Inc.
3200 Adeline Street | Berkeley, CA 94703 | Phone: 510-601-0203 | Fax: 510-601-4002
A Better Way, Inc.
trainings are sponsored in partnership with
Chabot Los Positas Community College District
Alameda County/Solano County Child Welfare Services
. Trainings are contracted and funded by The Federal Foster Care Program Title IV-E funding.
Title IV-E trainings are intended as a resource for County foster and adoption care providers and County staff members that provide support and assistance to these care providers. Please feel free to distribute training announcements to your IV-E qualifying County staff, IV-E qualifying partners in the community, etc.