September 22, 2023
The Battle at Home:
The Surge of Antisemitism

Article by Oz Laniado, Executive Director, StandWithUs Southwest:

"Here is the good news: We are going to win this battle because we don’t have a choice. To be able to continue to put Mezuzahs on our doors during the next decade, we better wake up now," states Oz Laniado, Executive Director of StandWithUs Southwest.

Read more in his compelling op-ed in San Diego Jewish World HERE.
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If you are interested in becoming a table captain,
please contact Oz Laniado for more info at
Why is only Israel blamed when Palestinian leaders cause death, harm? - Opinion - Jerusalem Post

By Roz Rothstein

There is a mystery that needs unraveling, and after more than two decades of being baffled, I think I might have figured it out. The mystery relates to a question: Why do so many people who comment on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict blame Israel alone, while ignoring the ongoing deadly harm done by Palestinian leaders?

Read the full article in the Jerusalem Post HERE.
Rabbis United Launches Ad Campaign Across the Country
Learn more about Rabbis United HERE.

Join Rabbis United on its website HERE.
StandWithUs Urges Extradition of Suicide Bomber Ahlam Tamimi

Ahlam Tamimi, who orchestrated a horrendous suicide bombing in 2001, has been living in Jordan after being released from Israeli prison in a trade. Calls to extradite her over the years have been met with resistance. A new effort has been initiated by the AJC with the U.S. Department of Justice. StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein told JNS: "Seventeen lives were lost in the Sbarro suicide bombing (one of the adult victims was pregnant). Another 130 were wounded, many maimed for life. Seven of those killed were children having a late lunch with their parents before the start of Shabbat. The fact that Tamimi is not being made to pay for her murderous crimes and is allowed to live freely and host her own show on Hamas television is a travesty that requires resolution and justice."

Read more in JNS HERE.

Photo Source: FBI
Insights on Antisemitism From a 
StandWithUs High School Intern
StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Intern Adam Elitzur reminds us that "No matter what our circumstances are, we need to learn more."
Read his insights in the Florida Jewish Journal Sun Sentinel on what students are experiencing in schools and how the internship is helping them confront growing antisemitism HERE.

Learn more about the internship HERE.
Orlando students and staff are profiled in the Heritage Florida Jewish News HERE
Jewish Boston high school and campus student participants are covered HERE

Learn more about the StandWithUs Emerson Fellowship HERE
Join StandWithUs Executives Roz and Jerry Rothstein,
as well as Michael Dickson, for a Life Changing Mission to Israel!
Check out our list of easy ways to ensure StandWithUs can continue to represent YOUR priorities by supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism.

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For more information, please visit
You can also call Josh Greenberg at 786-766-7734 or email Josh HERE.
For more information, please visit,
call Gary Ratner at 310-836-6140 ext. 101, or email Gary HERE.