You are receiving this email because you are a parent of at least one Montessori level 3 through 6th grade student. These students have the opportunity to advance in their belt levels in our school's karate class by attending the karate belt test at Samurai Karate Dojo. This dojo is the company through which Sensei Saif, our school's karate instructor, teaches karate at ILM Academy.

If you would like for your child to participate in the karate belt test being offered, please turn in the form that is being sent home with your child along with a check payment. (The fee is used to purchase the next belt for your child.) 

Please find all the details that are on the form and in this email below:

When is the form/payment due? Friday, April 24
Do you have an extra form at school? No but you can print out a new form by clicking on this link.
How much is the payment? $25 per child
Who to make the check payable to? Samurai Karate Dojo
Where to turn in the form/payment? To your child's homeroom teacher.
When is the belt test? Friday, May 1 at 5pm for Montessori level 3 and 1st graders, 5:45pm for 2nd and 3rd graders, and 6:30pm for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.
When should I get there? Come at least a few minutes earlier than the actual test time.
Where is the belt test? At Samurai Karate Dojo located at 1570 S. Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077