Dear Friends and Allies,
Please be invited to join the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International for this year's series of online  WECAN Education and Advocacy Trainings for Women for Climate Justice!

During these trainings, we will learn, strategize, movement build, and grow our collective strength and voice as global women taking action for climate justice and solutions.

All WECAN International trainings and organizing calls are hosted on Zoom, a free online platform. Dial-in instructions (by computer or phone) for all trainings are provided on the  WECAN webpage , and at the bottom of the email.
Women For Forests
Wednesday April 3rd, 2019
at 11:00 Pacific Time/2:00 Eastern Time
(USA time, please check your own time zone to coordinate)

About: Around the world, from the rainforests to the temperate zones, diverse groups of women are rising up to protect vital forest ecosystems from deforestation, fossil fuel and mining extraction, agribusiness, and a host of other threats. Through their work, they are protecting irreplaceable biodiversity and the sources of community life
and livelihoods, while also spearheading efforts to reforest damaged lands and to sequester carbon, and thus help mitigate against the worst effects of global climate change.

During the 'Women For Forests' training, we will explore various topics including: crucial resistance efforts by Indigenous women in Brazil to protect the Amazon and their communities in the face of attacks against women land defenders; inspiring examples of women planting trees and regenerating damaged lands in the Democratic Republic of Congo; efforts to protect the Tongass rainforest in Alaska; international forest policy that respects the rights of Indigenous Peoples and addresses root causes of forest loss; and other stories and lessons from women's work to stand for global forests.

As part of WECAN International's commitment to a climate justice framework, this training will not promote any of the false solutions often associated with climate-forest programs, including carbon offsets and other market mechanisms. Rather, speakers will focus on the grassroots, community-driven, and rights-based strategies and solutions being demonstrated by women around the world.

  • Wanda Culp - Tlingit, artist, forest defender, and WECAN Tongass Coordinator, Alaska, USA
  • Sônia Guajajara - Guajajara/Tentehar, National Coordinator of Brazil's Association of Indigenous Peoples, Brazil
  • Neema Namamandu - Founder of Hero Women Rising, SAFECO, and WECAN Democratic Republic of Congo Coordinator, DR Congo
  • Isis Alvarez - Gender Advisor and Campaigner for the Global Forest Coalition, Paraguay the Global Forest Coalition, Paraguay

Call-in details at the bottom of this message!
Indigenous Women on the 
Frontlines  of Fossil Fuel Resistance
Wednesday, May 22nd 2019
at 11:00 Pacific Time/2:00 Eastern Time
(USA time, please check your own time zone to coordinate)

About: Around the world, women are advocating and taking action against extractivism, and leading fossil fuel resistance movements as we collectively struggle to halt further global warming and protect our communities. Extractivism is rooted in colonialism and patriarchy and is perpetuated through the current extractivist economic model. This model destroys the Earth's natural systems of life and has a particular and unique impact on women and Indigenous communities. 

During the 'Indigenous Women On the Frontlines of Fossil Fuel Resistance' training, presenters will share stories, calls to action, and the latest updates from various campaigns and resistance movements, helping participants sharpen their analysis and learn how they can engage and support on-the-ground, frontline fossil fuel movements led by Indigenous women. Focus areas will include movements to prevent the destructive impact of the Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota, the Bayou Bridge pipeline in Louisiana, tar sands extraction in Canada, and oil extraction in the Amazon.

Indigenous women across the Americas continue to work diligently to address issues of extraction, colonization, Indigenous rights, Rights of Nature, violence against women, and women as critical defenders of the living Earth. While Indigenous women are central to climate solutions, they also are disproportionately impacted by its negative effects due to racism and unequal gender norms, which marginalize women's voices, and impact women's economic opportunities, rights, bodies, education, and political power.

This training will focus on the North American context, processes and examples, however international allies are encouraged and welcomed to participate.

  • Tara Houska (Anishinaabe, National Campaigns Director for Honor the Earth)
  • Monique Verdin (Houma Nation, filmmaker and activist) 
  • Nina Gualinga (Kichwa, Pueblo of Sarayaku, Ecuador, to be confirmed)

Call-in details at the bottom of this message!
How To Join Training Calls

All trainings will last 90 minutes to 110 minutes each - and will be hosted on Zoom, a free online platform that can be joined by phone or computer. 

To join, please use the instructions below to dial in by phone, or download the Zoom application and join via internet.
  • Option A - Join via your computer // internet connection:
  • OR Option B - Join by phone: 
1. Dial +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll numbers)
2. Enter the Meeting ID: 415 415 2016
If you are calling from outside the U.S. - click here for international dial-in numbers 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions -
For the Earth and All Generations,
The Women's Earth and Climate Action Network 
(WECAN) International Team