Hello Robert,

Good morning,

Polk County Citizens Defending Freedom has several upcoming opportunities to help with Election Integrity. On Saturday, August 19th, we will have a one-day class, called the Campaign Management School, for grassroots organizers, volunteers helping with political campaigns, candidates, campaign managers, and even elected officials.

This is an extremely informative opportunity. If you have any interest in running for elected office or assisting someone who is, this is definitely a worthwhile investment of your time. Other classes like this are offered over multiple days and are up to four times the cost. The cost includes lunch, and drinks throughout the day.

Please click on the image below for all information, and register early. This event will be well attended. The last class of this type was offered in Lake County a few months ago and attendees were from all across the state of Florida.

This is a nuts and bolts overview of not only what to expect but detailed how-to information on what to do. There will be a robust Q&A session towards the end of the class.

Please forward this to everyone you know who might be interested.

Sign Up for Campaign Management School

Are you committed to helping with Election Integrity for Polk County? There are quite a few elections coming up this year in November of 2023, and of course, 2024. Having Poll Watchers present on election day is an integral part of making sure that they are safe. Citizens Defending Freedom is conducting a one-hour Lunch and Learn Poll Watcher training on Thursday, July 20th at our headquarters in Mulberry, Florida. Training runs for about an hour, from noon to 1 pm, and the sign-up link is below.

Please reply with any questions.

"Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption." - James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. President, July 4, 1876, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Sign Up for our July Poll Watcher Class

The work Citizens Defending Freedom is doing is absolutely critical, and we are still battling to protect freedoms for our children and generations to come. Our fight is in its infancy, we are just getting started in our spiritual battle!

Please contribute to help Polk County Citizens Defending Freedom continue its important work.

Donate to Polk County Citizens Defending Freedom

Our next monthly meeting will be at Believers' Fellowship Church at 5240 N Socrum Loop Rd, Lakeland, FL 33809 on July 13th, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Register for our July 13th meeting at Believers Fellowship
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