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Upcoming Postal Rate Changes

& Approved July 2023 Increase

We want to inform you about upcoming postal rate changes that may impact your business. Please note that the rates provided below are projections, except for the July 2023 rate increase, which has been approved as of 5-31-2023. Here is an overview of the expected changes:

July 2023 – 5.4% (Approved)

January 2024 – 2.0% (Projected)

July 2024 – 6-7% (Projected)

January 2025 – 1.4% (Projected)

July 2025 – 5-6% (Projected)

January 2026 – 1.1% (Projected)

July 2026 – 3-4% (Projected)

If you have any questions or need further information regarding these postal rate increases, please feel free to contact us. We are here to support you and provide any necessary assistance.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We appreciate your understanding during this period of postal rate adjustments.

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701 S Main St, Fall River, WI | www.spiweb.com | 920.484.3348