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To our Valued Customer, 


Columbia Cosmetics has worked hard through the years to deliver high-quality products for the lowest possible prices.


We are doing our best to continue to do so, but due to the rising cost of labor in California and the many price increases in the raw materials we use for our products, we have found it necessary to subsequently increase our prices.


Rest assured, however, that we have found a way to reduce that price increase to the least amount possible in these circumstances. Our productivity rate and usage of more efficient processes has allowed us to adjust the increase so that you, our loyal consumers, shall not bear the brunt of the increase.


We are therefore increasing our product prices by 5.5%. This letter serves as a notice regarding the price increase which our company plans to put into effect on April 1, 2024.


Hopefully, this does not affect our long-standing partnership with you, our valued customer.


Thanks for doing business with us.


Columbia Cosmetics Mfg.Inc.


(510)562-5900 / (800) 824-3328


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Stay tuned. Exciting things coming soon!

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For over 40 years, Columbia Cosmetics Manufacturing has been on a mission to bring our clients the highest standard of quality and service in the industry, while offering competitive pricing and innovative products. As one of the largest private label cosmetic manufacturers in North America, we have been a trusted source for Contract Manufacturing and Custom Development. 

Our services include research and development of cosmetics, skin, hair, and body care items. We have highly-trained chemists, laboratory technicians, and compounders that are always on call, ready to use their years of experience in creating your products. Items brought to us can be closely recreated, or we can create a brand new product to suit your unique needs. We also have access to any specialty ingredient or qualifying factor that you require.

Get inspired by browsing our extensive range of products available on our website. We are here to help and will assist you from start to finish!

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