
Upcoming Trainings & Briefings


APRIL & MAY 2021


LIHTC 101 & 201

This training series is intended for affordable housing professionals and covers the fundamentals of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program in two parts: I) federal basics, and II) state overlay. Each training will be limited to a maximum number of participants so that attendees are able to better engage and have their questions answered. 

101: Tues. 4/20 at 10:00 am*

201: Tues. 4/27 at 10:00 am*

*Only a few spots left!

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Solar 101 Institute

This institute is intended for affordable housing professionals in asset management, real estate development, operations and sustainability to learn about the pre-development, installation, and post-installation phases of solar photovoltaics (PV) for multifamily properties and gain an understanding of the landscape of solar funding and resources to co-leverage LIHTC and energy efficiency programs. 

Part I: Tues. 5/4 at 10:00 am

Part II: Tues. 5/11 at 10:00 am


Clean Energy Resources for Regional Recovery

This webinar will provide a comprehensive look at several key clean energy programs available in the region for existing multifamily affordable housing portfolios. Participants will learn about co-leveraging programs to maximize cash incentives to help pay for efficiency upgrades and solar photovoltaic installations to significantly reduce tenant utility bills and operating costs. 

San Diego Region: Tues. 4/13 at 11:00 am

Central Valley: Wed. 4/21 at 11:00 am


Earth Day: Resources for Bill Savings, Resiliency & Building Electrification

This webinar will provide key updates to several existing clean energy programs available in the broader Southern California region, as well as highlight new programs coming online in the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) service territory. 

Thurs. 4/22 at 11:00 am

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Recent News from the Partnership

In case you missed it!

April 1 | Decarbonization Summit Report

5 Key Takeaways for Making Building Decarbonization Work in Affordable Housing

March 18 | California Affordable Housing Needs Report 2021

New Report Shows Challenges Facing Low-Income California Renters in 2021, Calls for Strategic Response

February 25 | Affordable Homes At Risk 2021 Report

Where are Affordable Homes Most At Risk in California?

February 16 | "One-Stop Shop" White Paper

Creating a Unified Process to Award All State Affordable Rental Housing Funding

February 12 | California's Roadmap Home 2030

California needs a 10-year roadmap to housing affordability and to end homelessness

January 19 | Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities 2021 Report

New AHSC Report Highlights Climate & Economic Benefits of 11,300 Sustainable Homes 

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