Our volunteers don't need a background in education or teaching experience. We provide a myriad of support services to help support our tutors. We find that this tutor support helps to promote the best and most positive learning experience for both tutors and their students.
   Tutor support includes:
  • On-line tutor training
  • One-on-one ongoing tutor support with our tutor educational advisor.
  • Appropriate tutor/student matches guided by our program manager, based on interest, mutual availability and convenient location.
  • Provide tutors with educational evaluations and work samples regarding their student to help drive specific instruction for that student.
  • Supply materials and appropriate teaching strategies based on the specific students need.

Volunteer tutors are pillars of strength for adult learners who are trying to gain the literacy skills they need to improve and live a higher quality of life.

If you know anyone who would be interested in doing this valuable work, please give them our contact information found below.

Thank you for all you do and your invaluable service to Literacy Solutions NY, and our community of students. We simply would not be able to accomplish our mission without your dedication, hard work and support.

 845-708-9072 office phone

Judy Levine
Literacy Education/Special Education