Kula Farm upcoming workshops and classes

April 17 - 10:30am - Edible Weeds Workshop
April 17 - 1:00pm - The Journey Continues
April 24 - 10:00am - Good Nutrition and Health
May 1 - 10:30am - Ace These Stretches

---Workshops are free---

Registration required
Please RSVP to info@kulafarm.org
Edible Weeds Workshop
April 17 10:30AM

This workshop will teach you to identify some of the wild plants that are growing now and how delicious, nutritious, and beneficial to the ecosystem they really are. 

One person’s weeds are another person’s salad greens!

The Journey Continues
April 17 1:00PM

Connect to the Earth & Grow Your Own Food

This a collaboration between KYDS and KULA. Nurturing our youth to thrive through these changing times.

For elementary & middle school students.

From Farm to Table: understanding the benefits of good nutrition on health and wellness.
April 24 - 10:00am

This workshop will provide an overview of how food forms the foundation of health, discussing how our body uses the macronutrients and micronutrients in food to maintain health and how our meal selections are the best form of preventive medicine there is. We will touch upon several of the food items specifically grown at The Kula Farm and their nutritional benefit.

Ace These Stretches!
May 1 - 10:30am

We'll go over some easy stretches that can be done at your desk, in your bed or with a tennis ball! These stretches help release lingering tension, give you some energy to start your day or help you get to those hard to reach spots.

Techniques Include:
-Workday Wellness: Desk Stretches
-Lose The Snooze: Morning Stretches
-Pain, Set, Match: Tennis Ball Treatments

Space for these workshops is limited.
Please RSVP to reserve a spot!
We'll add more dates if there is a lot of interest.
Safe the date!

More upcoming workshops:

May 8 Organic and Homemade Fertilizers
May 22 Organic and Homemade Pest Control
May 29 Juicing by Juice Basin
Get growing!

We have several starter plants and seed varieties available for sale at the farm.

Fridays: 11am - 4pm.

All participants are asked to keep distance, wash/sanitize hands on arrival and masks will be required indoors. Everyone will have to complete a health check form incl. a temperature check and a release form. These forms will be made available for review prior to arrival.
About the presenters!
Lori Garton is new to this area but not to organic farming. She has managed and worked on small scale organic vegetable farms in Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Louisiana since 2004. She received her Bachelor's of Science in Horticulture from New Mexico State University with a concentration in sustainable agriculture. Lori will be hosting several seasonal garden related workshops at the Farm that will be in line with the time of year.
James Montgomery is a Registered Dietitian specializing in weight management, diabetes and cardiac related issues. James believes that making a few lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can make a big difference to a person's wellbeing. James graduated Magna Cum Laude in April 2013 from Eastern Michigan University’s Coordinated Program in Dietetics with a Bachelor’s Degree and obtained a Master's of Science Degree in Human Nutrition also from Eastern Michigan University. He is the owner of Shore Nutrition Associates, a nutrition counseling private practice in Asbury Park, NJ. 
“If I could make people feel as good as I feel right now, then this is what I’m meant to do.”

Minutes after getting her first massage Dina Haffner was certain about the road she would need to take. Since January 2009 she has been actively studying and practicing massage therapy to help people find relief for their pain and relaxation in a hectic world. Her practice, Kinetric Wellness, stands by the principle that since each body is different, each body responds differently to every treatment, so the treatment must be tailored to the individual in order to be effective.
We are excited to be hosting workshops again and to continue our work in educating the community on sustainable practices and growing food.

Our workshops are all free but donations are much appreciated!

For more information, please visit kulafarm.org

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is proudly owned and operated by Interfaith Neighbors