Upcoming at CWNY

December 4 - 10, 2023

Programs, Services, and Events

This Week:

Monday, December 4:

Conversational ESL Class (In-person & Virtual / by phone)

Tuesday, December 5:

Career Workshop Series

Wednesday, December 6:

Yoga Class

Thursday, December 7:

Gardening & Sustainability Workshop Series

Caregivers Phone Support Group

Friday, December 8:

Yoga Class

Our locations:

207 Totten Avenue, Bayside, NY 11359

120-55 Queens Blvd. Rm. 325, Kew Gardens, NY 11424

This Week

Conversational ESL Class

Every Monday

@ Bayside @ 10 - 11 AM

Virtual / by phone @ 11 AM - 12 PM


Career Workshop Series

on Zoom

Tuesday, December 5th @ 12 - 1 PM

Topic: "Managing Change in the Workplace"


Yoga Classes

Every Wednesday @ 12 - 1 PM

Every Friday @ 1:30 - 2:30 PM

@ Bayside

All levels of yoga experience welcome.

Some of CWNY's 2022 Gardening attendees with their garden

Gardening & Sustainability Workshop Series

Every Thursday @ 10:00 - 11:30 AM

@ Bayside

December 7th: "Ground covers"

Caregiver with an elderly person

Caregivers Phone Support Group

Every Thursday @ 2 - 3 PM

by phone

For family members taking care of their aging loved ones.

All Programs, Services, & Events
Past Programs & Events

If you have any questions about what we offer, please email: events@cwny.org

Resources of the Month

Nov 25 - Dec 10: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Seasonal Affective Disorder & Holiday Blues
Vitamin D Deficiency
HIV / AIDS Awareness
All Resources

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"Women of New York" podcast

Center for the Women of New York ---- cwny.org

120-55 Queens Blvd. Room 325, Kew Gardens, NY 11424 ---- 718-793-0672

207 Totten Avenue, Bayside, NY 11359 ---- 718-229-0020