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Dear Members of Or Chadash,
Happy June! It's such a busy time of year for all of us that none of us want one more thing on our calendar. I certainly feel that way, so I pick and choose what I commit to attending.
Each of us are a part of the OC family for different reasons. Your personal reasons are strong enough that you choose to commit your hard earned time and money. We feel blessed to have such a caring, kind and engaged community.
On Thursday, June 6th at 7:00 PM we will hold our Annual Congregational Meeting. This year we will be sharing a lot of important information, and we want all our members to be part of the discussion.
I ask that you carve out an hour or two on Thursday to attend and continue to help us make Or Chadash a special place.

I look forward to seeing you at Or Chadash's Annual Meeting, Thu rsday, June 6th at 7:00 PM. 

Debbie Weiss

*  *  *  *  *



Friday, June 7th - Shabbat Services and Sha'bark Shalom (See details below) - 7:00 PM 

Saturday, June 1st - 
Shabbat  Services and Bat Mitzvah of Kate DalPezzo - 
10:00 AM

Kate DalPezzo will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 8. Kate is the first daughter for Debi and Tony DalPezzo, sister to Andrew and Noah. She attends J.P. Case Middle School as a 7th grader. Kate is a competitive cheerleader for the Jr. Red Devils UCA National Cheer Team and has competed in Orlando, Florida for the National title three times.
This was a challenging year with her upper level classes in school, maintaining straight A's, practicing three hours a night for cheerleading and preparing for her Bat Mitzvah. Kate's Torah portion Bemidbar is about how Moses was commanded to take a census about the number of Israelites but didn't count woman, anyone under the age of 18, children or anyone that was injured. This was an unreliable census and Kate discovers that today we have to make sure that everyone is counted because they all do count.  


View our full calendar here .


Friday June 7th at 7:00 PM
With Special Guest: Dr. Kurt Blaicher, D.V.M. ( Blaicher Veterinary Health Care) who will share ideas on how to keep your pets safe during the summer months.
Join us for our first ever Sha'bark Shalom  - an outdoor Shabbat Service. 
Rabbi Forman and Cantor Kathy will bestow a special blessing on your pets (or stuffed animals) !  Ice cream dessert to follow. Open to all. (We kindly ask all pets to remain outside the building.) 

Let us celebrate all the beloved animals in our lives,
they are our companions and friends.
The wonderful dogs and all their joy and energy,
the amazing cats who rule us and are our masters,
our gerbils and hamsters and bunny rabbits and fish,
the birds that flap in the cages wishing they were free but loving to be with us,
and all other animals that make us smiles or curious.
Let us celebrate each and everyone of them and all the joy they bring to us and thank G-d for the blessing that they provide our lives.
-- Rabbi Benjamin Sternman 

Thursday June 6th at 7:00 PM

Join us for our Annual Meeting of the Congregation!  
 Check your USPS Mail for more details.

Friday, June 7th - Sha'bark Shalom - 7:00 PM

Yahrzeits to be observed:
Bessie Sinoway
Isadore Wolf

Saturday, June 8th - Shabbat Morning Service and Bat Mitzvah of Kate DalPezzo - 10:00 AM
Friday, June 14th - The Stories of Our Patriarchs - A Shabbat Service to honor our Patriarchs and all the Dads - 7:00 PM 
Yahrzeits to be observed:
Arthur Horowitz
Sylvia Horowitz
Lillian Magid
Ann Gorin
Isidor Soodik
Ethel Pearl
Ted Pytlar
Marliese Hirsch

Saturday, June 15th - Shabbat Morning Service and Bar Mitzvah of Noah Metelitsa - 10:00 AM   
Friday, June 28th - Lay Led Shabbat Service with Steven Margolis - 7:00 PM
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Minnie Singer
Richard Ingram
Eileen Gong Sloan
Selma Simon Ingram
Rose Rabiner
Boris Rabiner
Irving Senator
Friday, July 12th - Special Music Service
with Max Kassler, guitarist and vocalist - 7:00 PM  
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Marsha Bacal
Eileen Ohlinger
Carl Christensen
Lorryne Lane
Edith Hack
Harold Smith
Paul Adelman
Wayne Wolfson
Marcus Leon
Diane Sigel

Friday, July 26th - Shabbat Service with Cantor Kathy - 7:00PM
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Joe Zalaznick
Illmari Bernard Erkkila
Hattie Hillman
Ellen Gold
Ida Wolfson
Victoria Hanbicki
Irving Crystal
Israel Louis Levin
L. George Rosskam
Friday, August 9th - Lay Led Shabbat Service -  
Yahrzeits to be observed: 
Ida Ettinger
Henrietta Weinstein
Simi Rotter
Dick Coriell
Ben Bland
Ira Korfin
Ada Kadet Levy
Barbara Vrabel
Howard Isaacs
Jay Gilbert Fuhrman
Barbara Rabiner
Stanley D. Weinstein
Friday, August 23rd - Lay Led Shabbat Service - 7:00PM 
Yahrzeits to be observed:
Sophie Rabiner
Jessie Mazzocchi
Estelle Frankel
Lily Jacobsen
John Stoter
Eugene Bobnar
Helen Viola
Joseph DeMaria
Helen Halper


It's never too late to get in on this fundraising gem!  Scrip is another name for gift cards, and when you sign up to buy them on the www.shopwithscrip website, every purchase you make earns Or Chadash much-needed (free) funds.  There are hundreds of retailers, offering varying percentages back to Or Chadash.  And Or Chadash shares the benefits with you as credit on your dues.  This is truly a win-win opportunity!

Here is how members of the Scrip Program are helping Or Chadash each month:
January:  19 orders for $440
February:  16 orders for $358
March:  16 orders for $364
April:  17 orders for $518
May:  10 orders for $328

TOTAL earnings for Or Chadash so far:  $2008.

TOTAL dollars Or Chadash is giving back to members as dues credit:  $502.

Can we count on you to place an order in June? 
Our June deadline is:  Saturday, June 15.

Buying scrip each month is a wonderful mitzvah you can do all year long! 
Check this out:
- $500 of ShopRite scrip each month for a year = $240 earnings for OC
- 50 families ordering $500 of ShopRite scrip each month for a year = adds up to $12,000 earnings for OC

We can do this!

Take a look at the shopwithscrip website, and please contact Christine Berg with any questions:  cberg3@comcast.net

Happy Shopping -- Happy Earning!


Did you know that your Amazon purchases can benefit Or Chadash with a charitable donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation  when you shop at AmazonSmile? Or Chadash is a registered charitable organization with AmazonSmile.

What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Or Chadash every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com , you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Or Chadash.

How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.  Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages..

Can I use my existing Amazon.com account on AmazonSmile?
Yes, you use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.

How do I select Or Chadash as the charitable organization I want to support when shopping on AmazonSmile?
On your first visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com , you select Or Chadash to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. AmazonSmile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.

P.S.:  Don't forget to sign up for Amazon Smile and designate Or Chadash as your charity of choice!!




Fran Hack
Howard Shapiro (father of Joy Gray)
Ira Jaffee
Donald Kantor
Elliot Rosen

In order to help us be a more caring community, 
please share your lifecycle events with Rabbi Forman

Rabbi Joseph M. Forman ( Rabbi)
Cantor Kathy Gohr ( Cantor)
Betsy Zalaznick ( Educator)
Debbie Weiss ( President)
Glenn Wasserman ( Vice President)
Jeff Berg ( Treasurer)
Renee Trambert ( Secretary)

Phone: 908-806-2122

OFFICE HOURS - please call in advance 
Tuesdays: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Wednesdays: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursdays: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM