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Upcoming at Or Chadash

Temple Newsletter

Dear Members of Or Chadash,

Happy Hanukkah! We are very excited to invite you to join us for our 2021 Or Chadash Hanukkah celebrations. Each night of Hanukkah our entire community will be gathering on Zoom for a 10-minute candle lighting celebration. For the last night of Hanukkah (Sunday December 5th) we will be gathering at Or Chadash for a Hanukkah celebration at 11:30 AM. The celebration will include a songfest, lighting your Menorah (we have plenty of candles) and a Latke party outside at Noon.

If you can make some Latkes, that would be great. Here is the Wufoo form to RSVP to our Hanukkah Celebration:

We have invited different groups from our congregation to help lead us all in the blessings as we light our menorahs. We hope you will join with us each night as you light your own menorah.  


Rabbi Joe Forman

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I invite my relatives, friends, and neighbors to participate in Or Chadash’s daily Hanukkah celebrations on Zoom?

  • Yes! Absolutely.  The more the merrier.  

What do you need to participate?  

  • If you have a Hanukkiyah (Hanukkah menorah) and candles, you can light them along with us. If you don’t, please join in and watch us light the Hanukkah menorah. 

What if I don’t know the blessings?

  • Not to worry! We will email the blessings to you each night so you have them available (Hebrew and Transliteration).

I am not a member of the group leading the blessings. Can I still participate?  

  • Absolutely. The entire community is invited to participate on every night of Hanukkah.  

Quick Links:

Our Website

Membership Info

Religious School

Bar/Bat Mitzvah



Thursday, Nov. 25th

Happy Thanksgiving!

No Religious School

Friday, Nov. 26th

Celebrate Shabbat at Home with Family & Friends

Sunday, Nov. 28th

No Religious School

6:30pm - 6:45pm

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First Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash - Lead by Grades K, 1, 2 and Their Families


Monday, Nov. 29th

6:30pm - 6:45pm

Second Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash - Lead by Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and Their Families

Blessings will be followed by Hanukkah BINGO!

Tuesday, Nov. 30th

6:30pm - 6:45pm

Third Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash - Lead by Our Newest Families

Wednesday, Dec. 1st

6:30pm - 6:45pm

Fourth Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash - Lead by the Sisterhood

Thursday, Dec. 2nd

6:30pm - 6:45pm

Fifth Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash and Grades 7, 8, 9, 10

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Religious School: Grades 7, 8, 9, 10

Friday, Dec. 3rd

7:00pm - 8:00pm

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Hanukkah Family Shabbat Service with OC Social Action Committee Leading the Hanukkah Blessings

We will celebrate Ner Shel Tzeddakah, which is is an opportunity to do Social Action and support others in our community. Cantor Kathy Gohr and several members of our congregation will join Rabbi Forman for a very musical Hanukkah Shabbat celebration.

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Meeting ID




On this Sabbath, join us exactly as you feel most comfortable on Zoom (no in-person service). A few things to note about our service:

  • For those on Zoom, feel free to light your own Shabbat candles, share in drinking the wine/juice from your own Kiddush cups and taste the sweetness of challah at your house.
  • Please mail me ( no later than 5:00 PM on Friday with the names you would like me to read during the Mi Shebeirach.
  • If you need support or assistance using Zoom, please reach out to me or Betsy no later than 3:00 PM on Friday.
  • The link for Friday Night Services can always be found on our OC website Homepage.

I hope each of you is well. We look forward to sharing Shabbat with our Or Chadash community no matter how you attend.

Yahrzeits to be observed:

Rose Leon

Bernard Wolf

Charles Gelb

Jerome Engel

Martin H. Albert

Mildred Abis

Morris Berg

Gertrude Heller

Sheila Fisher-Cohen

Edward Kurlansik

Bessie Kenyon

Irving Safier

Harold Meltz

Saturday, Dec. 4th

6:30pm - 6:45pm

Seventh Night of Hanukkah with Or Chadash - Lead by the Board of Trustees

We will gather for the Havdalah (the blessings at the conclusion of Shabbat) followed by the menorah lighting and blessings.

Sunday, Dec. 5th

9:00am - 12:00pm

Religious School: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6

10:15am - 12:00pm

Religious School: Grades K, 1, 2

11:30am - 12:30pm

Hanukkah Celebration with Songfest and Latke Party

We will gather as a community at Or Chadash for a Hanukkah Celebration which will include lighting lots of menorahs (don’t forget to bring yours). We have lots of candles! We will have a song-fest followed by a Latke party outside at 12:00 PM (we have tents if it rains).


Friday, Dec. 10th

Yahrzeits to be observed:

Harriet Meltz

Morton Jerome Frankel

James Mazzocchi

Steven D. Weinstein

Milton Wolfson

Ken Kimberley

Friday, Dec. 17th

Yahrzeits to be observed:

Joseph M. Fish

Joan Kaplan Leon

Esther Fish

Suzie Cooper Gold

Melvin Hecht


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Hanukkah - Grades K, 1, 2 & Temple Tots

Our K/1/2 along with Temple Tots made Maccabee shields and candy Hanukkah menorahs.

Challah Braiding Class - Grades 8, 9 & 10

The challah recipe we used is from one of my most beloved go-to books - Leah’s Modern Jewish Cooking. This dough recipe in incredibly forgiving and delicious which is an excellent combination. We challenged, and many kids accepted, to try a six strand challah braid.

Read More & Pictures...



Bar Mitzvah of Paxton Gold

Paxton's Mitzvah project involved working with a local dog rescue in PA. The rescue would identify and transport dogs in need of help from the southern US up to PA. Once off transport, Paxton would foster the puppies at his home until the puppies were adopted into their furever home.

See Pictures...
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OCTY Coat Drive a Huge Success!

OCTY is so pleased to announce our teens collected 76 coats during the Coat Drive this month! Thank you to everyone who dropped off donations! 

Read More & See Pictures...


Scrip Corner

We've had very good scrip activity for the Fall. Thank you for the 25 orders throughout the month of October. We earned $477 for Or Chadash with those orders! Thank you for the eGift Card orders, in addition to the plastic card orders!



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Free Online Event

What To Do in December – A Live Q&A for Parents Balancing Hanukkah and Christmas

December 9th

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Hanukkah and Christmas can be a joyful time, but let’s be honest: It can also be incredibly challenging for those of us in interfaith families. All kinds of issues can arise when it comes to what and how to celebrate; how to share and stand by your decisions with grandparents and other extended family members; and so much more.

Join moderator Lauren Schreiber Sasaki from Jewish& and panelists Rabbis Robyn Frisch and Malka Packer-Monroe from 18Doors, who will answer the questions they get asked the most from parents around the December holidays. The program will include time for participants to ask their own questions as well.

A recording of the moderated Q&A will be available after the event, but the participant Q&A that follows will not be shared so as to cultivate a safe space.

Click HERE for more info.

Co-Sponsored by Jewish& (MNJCC Toronto), PJ Library, and JCC Greater Boston

Register Here
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President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) through Or Chadash

Congratulations to Or Chadash student volunteers, Dylan Berg and Cassondra Stoter, who were recognized with the 2021 President's Volunteer Service Award, Bronze Level, for their completed service hours from March 1, 2020 - February 28, 2021! Together, Dylan and Cassondra completed over 150 service hours...way to go!

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Did you know that Or Chadash is a certifying organization of the President's Volunteer Service Award? The PVSA recognizes U.S. citizens who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period. The awards are offered in multiple levels and include bronze, silver, and gold, based on the number of service hours completed and the age of the volunteer. 

Adults and students can have qualifying hours in several ways, and note this change from previous years: Or Chadash can be the recipient of the volunteer service, a facilitator of the service, and now hours from other organizations can be included in the total hours a person has volunteered. Those hours from other organizations must be verified and signed off by the facilitator of those organizations. As in the past, all service must be unpaid, volunteer, and take place within the one year period specified.

PLEASE NOTE: The next qualifying period runs from March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2022. Please keep track of your hours and required documentation will need to be submitted to Cindy Stoter at the end of the service time period.

Please reach out to Cindy at if you would like more information or if have any additional questions. 

Did you know that your Amazon purchases can benefit Or Chadash with a charitable donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation when you shop at AmazonSmile? Just use the link when you go to shop.

To learn more about AmazonSmile, click HERE.

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How to Reach Us

Rabbi Joseph M. Forman (Rabbi)

Cantor Kathy Gohr (Cantor)

Betsy Zalaznick (Educator)

Glenn Wasserman (President)

Victor Sloan (1st Vice President)

Dan Freedman (2nd Vice President)

Jeff Berg (Treasurer)

Laura Senator (Secretary)


Phone: 908-806-2122


OFFICE HOURS - Please call to schedule an appointment.

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