Upcoming at Or Chadash

Weekly Newsletter

Sukkah "Pickup Sticks"

Help us pick up and put away the pieces of the Sukkah*.

This Sunday, Oct. 27th at 9:00am.

* No Ladder required!

Sukkot 2024


Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov to Susan and Ross Weinick on their son Daniel being named a 2024 Unsung Hero of Emergency Medicine in New York State.


For more details on Sisterhood - click HERE

If you have an idea for an event, we'd love to hear from you!

Please reach out to:

Christine Berg cberg3@comcast.net

Or Chadash Temple Youth Group (OCTY)

OCTY co-presidents:

Dylan Berg djberg14@gmail.com

Izzie Hodkinson izziesam11@gmail.com

Harrison Langer hblanger21@gmail.com

Kate MacIsaac kvmac2007@gmail.com

More Pictures & Details on OCTY...

Community Outreach


October 24


6:30 PM - 8:15 PM Religious School: Grades 7, 8, 9, 10

In person at Or Chadash

October 25


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Shabbat Services and Celebration of Simchat Torah

Join us for this service in-person and on Zoom.

  • Please email Rabbi Forman (josephforman@gmail.com) no later than 5:00 PM on Friday with the names you would like him to read during the Mi Shebeirach.


Sadie Eisenberg

Israel Rabiner

George D. Harris

Norma Schwartz

Harvey Werstein

Ida Moon

Angela Mazzocchi

Dorothy Kerod

Norman Fetner

Russell Sinoway

Regina Leon

Alexander Heller

Matthew Ringel

Adrianne Safier

Seth L. Weiss

Hyman Gorin

Seymour Hersch

Morton Kail

Sonia (Sonny) Sloan

Jack Kluft

Roberta Stoter

Irving Frankel

Helen Kass

October 27


9:00 AM Put Away the Sukkah

Volunteers welcome!

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6

In person at Or Chadash.

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School: Grades K, 1, 2

In person at Or Chadash.

10:15 AM Consecration Ceremony for New Students

We invite you to join us in welcoming our newest students.

October 31


No Religious School

November 1


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Shabbat Services and Observance of Kristalnacht

Join us for this service only on Zoom.

  • Please email Rabbi Forman (josephforman@gmail.com) no later than 5:00 PM on Friday with the names you would like him to read during the Mi Shebeirach.


Clarisse Weiss

Helen Gordon

Lester Bloch

Joan K. Weinstein

November 3


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6

In person at Or Chadash.

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School: Grades K, 1, 2

In person at Or Chadash.

View Full Schedule

Yahrzeit List


Thank you for supporting Or Chadash!

Thank you for your 24 scrip orders in September, earning Or Chadash $484!

Next deadline for ordering plastic gift cards is Friday, November 15th.

More info on Scrip & Gift Cards HERE!

Religious School

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Yahtzeit List

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