Thursday, Sept. 22 

9-11 a.m. 

Elkhorn Valley Campus

room 232 (Commons)

Thursday, Sept. 22 

9 a.m.-noon

South Omaha Campus

Connector Building, room 146 (Commons)

Monday, Sept. 26

9-10:30 a.m.

Sarpy Center


Monday, Sept. 26

9 a.m.-noon

Fort Omaha Campus

Building 23, room 120 A-B

Drive-thru clinics will also be offered at the VNA office.

No cost to MCC BCBS members. No appointment is necessary, but please complete the consent form before arriving.

For additional information about the vaccines offered and pricing,

visit the VNA website.

Most plans accepted. Exceptions may apply. If you have questions about what your plan covers, call the 800 number on the back of your insurance card. VNA is unable to accept UnitedHealthcare, Medicaid or Medicaid Advantage Plans. 

Questions about on-site clinics can be directed to Cindy Croy, HR associate.

Metropolitan Community College affirms a policy of equal education, employment opportunities and nondiscrimination in providing services to the public. To read our full policy statement, visit
Metropolitan Community College | 531-MCC-2400 |
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