Although the groundhog may have seen his shadow and we have many more weeks of winter ahead of us, the Medina County Women’s Endowment Fund has been working hard on carrying out our mission this winter.
You're invited to a virtual Medina County Women's Endowment Fund board member meet and greet on Thursday, Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. Attendees will learn more about our fund and opportunities to get involved. Contact to RSVP and receive a link to join.
Mark your calendars on June 10, 2021 for our virtual Seasons of Giving event. We look forward to continuing our tradition of positively impacting the lives of women and children and enriching Medina County for the better. An official save the date and sponsorships opportunities will be sent in the coming weeks.
Through the month of February, MCWEF is accepting grant applications for programs that improve the quality of life for women and children in Medina County. If you have a nonprofit that supports these areas in Medina County, apply online by March 1 at
Though some of our 2020 grantees have not yet been able to utilize funding due to COVID-19 restrictions, we're proud to hear positive feedback from organizations like OhioGuidestone. In 2020, OhioGuidestone received a $2,500 grant to support the development of an outdoor play area at the Medina County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board’s new recovery housing facility for women.

“OhioGuidestone is so very grateful for the support of the Medina County Women's Endowment Fund for the new sober living facility in Medina. We have purchased a number of items for the outdoor family play area that will be installed at the facility once it is open. While COVID-19 has delayed the facility’s opening, we look forward to offering a comfortable, healing space for our clients and their families,” -- Melissa Romain, director of Medina County programs, OhioGuidestone.

From Aug. 1, 2020 - Jan. 31, 2021 the following individuals and businesses made gifts to the Medina County Women's Endowment Fund. We thank you for your support.
As a fund of Akron Community Foundation, the Medina County Women’s Endowment Fund can accept a variety of gifts, from appreciated securities to bequests. No matter which method you choose, your gift to the Medina County Women’s Endowment Fund will enrich the lives of women and children in our community for generations to come.
It’s one thing to write a check to your favorite charity. But imagine supporting it forever through an endowment fund. The Medina County Women’s Endowment Fund is a permanent charitable fund that awards annual grants to nonprofit organizations that encourage the educational, physical, emotional, social, artistic and personal
growth of women and children.