Update to our previous e-mail:
We have been informed that participation agreements from local governments should now be sent to an additional -- third -- email address. We recommend that any previously submitted participation agreements also be sent to this new email address. Please see the updated/red text below.

Also, more information and documentation on the settlement and payments can be found here: https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/states/ohio/
First Opioid Distributor Settlement Direct Payment Information
OML Members,

The first payment of the OneOhio Distributor Settlement (McKesson, Cardinal, AmerisourceBergen) was made to participating local governments last week. This payment is from the 30% Local Government Share, and it is the first of 18 payments for the Distributor Settlement. This spreadsheet lists the payment amounts that were sent to each local government from the Attorney General’s office via EFT (electronic funds transfer). Future payments will be made by the National Settlement Administrator.

Please review Auditor of State Bulletin 2022-003 (available here) that explains accounting procedures for these dollars. The bulletin states, in part:
"Before the local government receives its portion from the state, the Auditor of State (AOS) recommends that each participating subdivision accepting the Funds provide by a written ordinance or resolution that the LG Share of the OneOhio Funds shall be placed in a separate fund and used only for the approved purposes as required by the OneOhio MOU. As the special fund is created under Ohio Rev. Code §5705.09(F), local governments do not need to seek AOS approval for establishing this new fund. AOS recommends that each participating subdivision accepting OneOhio Funds clearly document their rationale for each expenditure. This documentation is best provided by legislation adopted by the entity’s legislative body explaining how the expenditure meets the approved purposes definition of the OneOhio MOU. To aid in our future audit work, we also ask that each expenditure be carefully tracked and adequate documentation of the expenditure be maintained."

If a local government is receiving less than $500 and will never receive more than $500 in any of the 18 payments, the payment will instead be made to the county in which the local government resides.

The OneOhio Abatement Strategies are available here. The Local Government Share payments are eligible to be used for past expenditures. The full OneOhio MOU is available here.

A copy of the cover letter that was sent to each local government in the state regarding these payments is also available here.
If you are wondering why you did not get a payment:

The league has received questions about why certain municipalities and townships were not included on the list of governments receiving funds from the opioid litigation Distributor Settlement payments but are included on the Estimated Potential Settlement Amounts list.

Signing onto the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding does not qualify as signing onto the individual settlements. In order to receive payments, a local government must also execute a participation agreement. Each settlement has its own participation agreement.

A township or municipality may still receive opioid funds. To participate in these settlements and be eligible for future payments, the local government must complete both participation agreement(s) and send them to [email protected] AND [email protected] AND [email protected]

To download the participation forms for the two opioid settlements, please visit:

If you have questions, please contact Bevan Schneck at [email protected], and we will track down any additional information that is needed.

Questions about payments can be directed to the Ohio Attorney General's Constituent Services Section at 800-282-0515.