Dear Parents/Guardians of the class of 2021,
We are writing with exciting news with regards to capacity expansion for our Graduation Ceremony on Thursday, May 27th at 6 pm. Beginning today, May 14th, the state of Illinois has moved to the Bridge to Phase 5 of Restore Illinois which allows for up to 60% capacity at seated spectator events. After consultation with local/county officials, we have decided to expand ticket distribution to 50% of our bleacher capacity which translates into each graduate receiving 4 (four) total guest tickets to the Graduation Ceremony (the original ticket maximum was two tickets per graduate).
Graduates will receive their four guest tickets to the ceremony at Graduation Practice on Tuesday, May 25th (see the details below) provided that they return their 2 senior exit surveys (one survey is electronic and will be shared with students this week, one survey is paper and will be distributed to students on May 24th at Graduation practice).
** Graduates do NOT need a ticket to the event, they can invite 4 guests**
Guests who are unable to attend the ceremony can enjoy the livestream broadcast using this link beginning at 5:50 pm on Thursday, May 27th:
Accessible Seating:
If a ticketed guest of your graduate is in need of accessible seating for the Graduation Ceremony, please submit this form by noon on Thursday, May 20th.
Legacy Diploma Distribution:
Trinity has a long standing tradition of inviting Trinity alumnae mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, guardians, and current board members the opportunity to present their graduate with her diploma during our Graduation Ceremony. Please submit this form if your graduate will be receiving her diploma from her alumna mother/grandmother/stepmother/guardian or current board member by Thursday, May 20th at noon.
More details about the upcoming senior events schedule can be found below:
PROM FEST: Friday, May 21st 7-9 pm
After consultation with the Cook County Department of Health and the Village of River Forest, we have decided to move our Prom Fest celebration to Cafe le Cave in Des Plaines, IL. Prom will still take place on Friday, May 21st from 7-9 pm. As a COVID-19 transmission safety measure, all students and guests (even those who have been fully vaccinated) will need to be masked throughout the duration of the event and there will NOT be food served. Cafe le Cave is able to open glass doors to their ballroom to ensure that fresh air is circulating throughout the evening.
If you have any questions about Prom fest, please contact Senior Class Moderator, Bridget Lally.
Honors Convocation: Friday, May 21st, 8:15 am Trinity Cafeteria
Honors Convocation will take place for SENIORS in the cafeteria at 8:15 am on Friday, May 21st. All seniors should be in FULL UNIFORM and wear a mask. There will be assigned alpha seating for the event.
- Seniors MUST be in attendance in order to attend Senior Prom Fest that evening
- Event Webinar will be filmed and shared with families that evening
Seniors will have an Early Dismissal immediately following the event, approximately 9:45 am
If you have any questions about Honors Convocation, please contact VP of Student Life, Susie Bedell.
Graduation Practices/Senior Farewell: Monday, May 24th & Tuesday, May 25th
- Monday, May 24th 12:10-3:00 pm, SMGAF
- eLearners should travel to campus during Lunch Circle (11:10-12:05)
- Last Lunch Circle for in-person seniors 11:15-12:05, cafeteria
- Gowns, caps, medallions, tassels will be distributed at practice
- Senior Exit Surveys will be distributed
- Students MUST be in attendance at both graduation practices in order to walk in the Graduation ceremony on 5/27
- Tuesday, May 25th
Senior Picnic 11:15-1:00 pm, SMGAF lawn, LUNCH provided by Trinity
- E-Learners should travel to campus following submission of the period 4 exam and join the picnic on the lawn
Grad practice: 1:00-2:30, SMGAF, tickets to graduation distributed to students who have completed senior surveys
Senior Farewell (reflection, activities, and some surprises for seniors!): 2:30-5:00 pm
*** Please note: In-Person learners should report in-person to their classes for Block IV exams on Monday 5/24 (period 1 at 8:15 am and period 2 at 9:45 am) and Tuesday, 5/25 (period 5 at 8:15 am and period 4 at 9:45 am).
If you have any questions about Graduation Practices, please contact VP of Student Life, Susie Bedell.
If you have any questions about Block IV exams or graduation requirements, please contact Principal, Amy Gallie.
Baccalaureate Mass: Wednesday, May 26th 10 am, Sr Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility
All families who RSVPed to attend the Baccalaureate Mass should have received a confirmation email with details about the event on Friday, April 30th. We have reached capacity for this event and are unable to distribute any more tickets at this time. For those planning to attend, more details about the event can be found here. THANK YOU! We are looking forward to celebrating the class of 2021 in prayer.
If you have any questions about Baccalaureate Mass, please contact Campus Minister, Justin Hoch.
Graduation: Thursday, May 27th 6 pm, Sr. Michelle Germanson Athletic Facility
- Each student who turns in her senior exit surveys will receive two (2) tickets for guests to the event.
- Graduates should report by 5 pm to the cafeteria
- Families/Guests can be seated at 5 pm in the SMGAF (in pods or individually seated, in marked off areas)
- Graduates wear WHITE cap and gown, white or lightly colored clothing underneath
- Graduates should wear WHITE shoes
- Graduates need to wear a WHITE Mask, we have disposable white masks available if needed
- Guests who arrive after 5:45 pm, will be directed to wait on the Jackson street lawn until all students and the faculty honor guard have processed into the SMGAF for the ceremony. Once the processional is complete, ushers will direct guests who have arrived after 5:45 pm to their seats.
If you have any questions about the Graduation Ceremony, please contact President, Laura Curley.
A copy of the Senior Events letter that was sent to parents/guardians on April 15th can be referenced here and a copy of the Senior Events letter that was sent to parents/guardians on May 3rd can be found here.
We are so excited to officially launch our senior week events next Friday! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!