150 Warm Jackets to Our IDF Heroes in Northern Israel

Standing Together's Warm Hug Campaign is truly helping IDF soldiers!

After seeing our campaign, United with Israel reached out to Standing Together to benefit IDF soldiers. United with Israel donated to our campaign 150 jackets to IDF soldiers protecting the Northern border. Standing Together will deliver the jackets to soldiers who will be bringing them to their closed military zone. It has been very cold and rainy in Israel, especially in the north, and these jackets will certainly warm up our heroes.

Thanks to you, our donors, we have already given out 500 warm jackets to the IDF. Standing Together is so proud to know that soon there will be 650 IDF soldiers who are warm thanks to our campaign. Standing Together is still working hard to reach our goal of giving out 1,000 winter jackets to the IDF and First Responders.

Youth Volunteer with Standing Together

This week, a terrorist shot at an IDF soldier guarding near Shechem. Miraculously, the soldier's helmet protected him from the bullet and he was not injured. And the terrorist was neutralized. Showing gratitude to the IDF for putting their life on the line while protecting the area, youth in the Shomron volunteered with Standing Together to give out tasty treats to IDF soldiers guarding in the area near Shechem. A true Am Yisrael Chai unity experience!

Please donate to Standing Together and help us bring our mobile coffee shop filled with snacks as well as your love and appreciation to the wonderful IDF who have been fighting intensely to defend the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

An IDF Soldier Responds to a Child's Letter

An elementary school child sent Standing Together a letter for an IDF soldier and requested a response. The soldiers are very busy, but we are grateful that we found the right one to respond, one of David Landau's grandsons who is now serving in the army! Letter below.

letter from a soldier
Visit our Website and see what we are doing

Am Yisrael Chai! We are united and Standing Together.

Your donations to Standing Together goes towards showing support for IDF soldiers and first responders.

May we be blessed with better days,

David Landau

Founder Standing Together

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*Written by Susan who is helping out Standing Together.

**Due to technical issues there was a delay in sending out this newsletter.