Our mission is to educate, engage, and mobilize citizens of the St. Croix Valley (Western Wisconsin and Eastern Minnesota) through grassroots efforts to affect the security, economic stability, and preservation of the Constitutional republic form of government. ​​

A Voice for the Silent Majority

LOCAL NEWS, Somerset, St. Croix County, Wisconsin

The sexually deviant cancer is spreading locally.

"Family Friendly" bar and cafe to host two days of Drag Queen events.

Call Not Justa Restaurants and ask them what happened since 2016?

New restaurant brings bar and cafe together

"...When we opened the bar half at the Bayport location about a year and half ago, we came up with a better dinner menu and we liked the idea of a bar and cafe because it still allowed people to come in with kids and it doesn’t exclude anyone. ..."

"...The new setup makes people feel comfortable to bring their whole family. ..."

Somerset, WI: Barb and Steve Meyer, Laura and Bob Bohrer 715-247-2221

Bayport, MN: Ethan and Ashley Bell 651-342-2940

New Richmond, WI: Alex and Kim Meyer 715-246-7711

St. Croix Falls, WI: Barb Meyer and Cole Bertram, 715-483-1171

Link to Jerrid Meyer Facebook page. Please pray for him and his family.

Matthew 18:5-8 And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of scandals. For it must needs be that scandals come: but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh.

Facebook link

Facebook link

Mercedes (Marci) Iman Diamond, Jah'Syra, Dasha Sweetwaters, Fantasia Royale Gaga (aka Latavia Goldson), Malaysia Babydoll Foxx

Drag Clown, Volunteer "security"

Joyce Hall, City of Hudson, Wisconsin, Councilmember and husband, Tim, attempting to block Darla Meyers' (behind sign) interaction with attendees. Joyce Hall was one of the council members who approved the permit for the Hudson "Shame" event. Click here for information on the 2023 event.

Lonely Drag Queen

Update #3, First-hand accounts by attendees

On June 22, 2024, several members of the Citizens for the St. Croix Valley attended the Hudson (Wisconsin) “Pride” Fest at the Hudson High School. This update is delayed because we were waiting for an open records request from the Hudson High School video security to be fulfilled. Many Citizens members were present to take photos and videos of the outside and inside of the school. We put out a Call to Action to the community and informed the community of the sexual deviancy being celebrated locally.

Hudson, Wisconsin, is considered a suburb of the Twin Cities, the center of depravity, which is exporting their depravity into our community. After one public meeting, the Hudson Pride Co. changed their web site to finally admit the truth: All are NOT welcome. 

2024 "Furries"

2023 Shame Event, Hudson Police "guarding" the children against whom?

2024 Confused Drag Queen

In Hudson, you will see yard signs with the Golden Rule Initiative being promoted. The Golden Rule refers to the Biblical admonition to treat others as you wish to be treated. Many of these signs were carried around at the event, but some of the attendees didn’t believe in the Golden Rule. As literature was being handed out, some of the attendees yelled “F” you.

In 2023, brochures and information were distributed at the Hudson Shame Fest that was held at the Lakefront Park. At the 2023 event, the HPC advertised a drag queen story time, but after public outcry, they took it off their schedule. We warned people that changing the schedule might be a ploy just to get the public off their backs. We were correct. The drag queen “Slaymantha Fox”, Mr. Twin Cities Leather winner, whose real name is Emerson Kellogg, read to the children, guarded by a Hudson Police officer.

In the Hudson permit approval process for the 2024 event, January 11, 2024, Hudson Public Safety Committee meeting, the Chief of Police states at Minute 5:07 “…we'll have probably multiple conversations between now and then with yeah Matt and his crew so I'm not worried about it. …” (unofficial transcript, Minute 2:25 and 5:07). Council member Joyce Hall was present at the 2024 event, along with her husband, Tim Hall, to use banners to try to silence those they disagree with. So much for Inclusion and Diversity

At the July 22 event, the Halls joined the cadre of people trying to block Citizens from interacting with the people who were attending. The HPC hired a two-person security detail (Squeerity Security) and also had volunteers holding two large banners on both sides of one of our members as she took pictures and videos. People needed to be educated about potential assault and battery. View the video to see what took place. One of the Squeerity security women took her aside to explain to her that she cannot touch anyone.

While vendors were setting up, the opportunity was taken to hand out copies of Wisconsin State Statues and Bible passages. Most vendors were receptive to receiving the information, as they thought the distributor was part of the staff—some were not. Some of the event volunteers took the information away from those who received it. In this video, one of the vendors from Joe to Go tried to stop literature from being handed out.

A short time later, another HPC volunteer tried to impede a Citizen member from entering the building to take videos and pictures. In the video, you can see three HPC volunteers collaborating and then watching the main instigator confront the distributor.

What sexually deviant event would be complete without a grandma supporting sodomy? 

In 2023, the Hudson Police Department Facebook page took down the picture of the HPD officer “guarding” the story time after complaints from someone. There are still other pictures online on their Facebook Page. In 2023, the HPC was out and proud about the vendors and sponsors. Citizens for the St. Croix Valley newsletterMore newsletters.

In 2024, the vendor/sponsor list was nowhere to be found. No banners, no handouts. We were very happy to note that there were many vendors/sponsors from last year that did not participate in the event for 2024. Image from 2023

There was also a Queer Crawl event for the St. Croix Valley, and they were very proud to publish their sponsor/vendor list. Is your favorite restaurant on this list? For more pictures, click on this link, including past vendors/sponsors and the Queer Crawl event vendors/sponsors.

What will next year bring? Only God knows.

Wisconsin State Statutes were very clear about what is against the law: CHAPTER 948





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