
Quick-Build Separated Bike Lanes Update: Brattle Street, Garden Street, & Future Projects

The Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department has reevaluated our decision to postpone installation of Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project. We will now begin installing the project next week.

Other updates: we began installing separated bike lanes on Garden Street last week and we're announcing more upcoming projects. Learn more below!

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Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project

Next week, the City will install Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project, between Mason Street and Sparks Street. Previously, we announced that we would delay installation to the spring, but we have adjusted our approach after re-evaluating the feasibility of using temporary materials.

We plan to use tube-style cones to separate people biking from vehicle traffic until concrete curbing becomes available this winter. These cones are taller and have a heavier base than a typical traffic cone.

What We're Doing Next Week:

Next week, we plan to put down all final pavement markings. This includes:

  • Adding a two-way separated bike lane between Mason Street and Sparks Street
  • Reconfiguring the intersection of Brattle Street with Craigie Street
  • Painting all remaining crosswalks
  • Finalizing all other remaining road markings, including parking stalls, turn arrows, and lane lines

Parking Restrictions

On Tuesday, November 8, City crews will remove all parking signs on the north side of the street and replace them with "No Stopping" signs. You will start to notice temporary signage beginning on Monday, November 7, to let people know that these changes are coming.


We expect to begin work Wednesday, November 9, at 8 p.m. Additional nights of work may be needed on an ongoing basis. This work is weather dependent and we will communicate any changes we make to the schedule.

We anticipate having all curbing installed by January 2023. Curbing will be installed by a city contractor, E.M. Lofgren, under city supervision.

More Information

We still plan to install Phase 2 of the project in 2023, with community engagement continuing this winter. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!

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Garden Street Safety Improvement Project

We began installing the Garden Street Safety Improvement Project on Monday, October 24. As part of the project, we added separated bike lanes to both sides of the street and Garden Street shifted to one-way operation for cars between Huron Avenue and Concord Avenue.

We plan to finish installation, including adding flex posts, in the next few weeks.

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Upcoming Projects

We will begin three other quick-build separated bike lane projects between the fall of 2022 and spring of 2023.

The Hampshire Street Safety Improvement Project will connect Inman Square to the Port and Kendall Square. We’ll install quick-build separated bike lanes along Hampshire Street between Inman Square and Broadway. We'll host a community open house next Monday, November 7, and the first community meeting on Tuesday, November 15. Sign up for email updates here or learn more at

The Main Street Safety Improvement Project will connect the Port and Kendall Square to Central Square. We’ll install quick-build separated bike lanes along Main Street from Lafayette Square (near Central Square) to Vassar Street (near MIT). Sign up for email updates here.

As part of the Mt. Auburn Street at Aberdeen Avenue Intersection Improvement Project, we will install quick-build separated bike lanes on the left side of Aberdeen Avenue between Huron Street and Mt. Auburn Street. The project also involves traffic signal phasing changes to improve safety for all users and increase reliability for transit riders. The signal change portion of the project may involve some construction, but there shouldn’t be significant parking changes in the area. Sign up for email updates here.

Read the Project Announcement

Accessibility Information

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact Traffic, Parking, and Transportation at, 617-349-4700 (voice), or via relay at 711.

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