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Webinars coming up:

Mediation & Arbitration

Thursday 13th May 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Book Here

This webinar will cover:

  • Understand the difference between Mediation and Arbitration
  • With the backlog in the Courts, Mediation could be a good solution. 
  • Save time, cost effective in proportion to the issue
  • Allows you to move ahead with your business 
  • Draws closure to time consuming issues


  • Nicholas Woolf, Nicholas Woolf Solicitors – an introduction to mediation
  • Annabel Clark, Keystone Law – an introduction to arbitration
  • Dr Renu Raj, Radanks – International accredited mediator (registered with civil mediation council in the UK) registered with Indian council of arbitration
  • Alan Rides, Hounslow Chamber - ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

Fit to Bid: Branduin Business Support

Supply Chain Programme Launch

Tuesday 18th May 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Book Here

  • Hounslow Supply Chain
  • Buyer’s Perspective
  • Fit To Bid® programme
  • Working with Tier-1 & Tier-2 suppliers

Digital Wellbeing & cultures around new digital trends:

Physical Digital wellbeing

Wednesday 19th May 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Book Here

Ensuring that working from home is as regulated as it is in the office. Employees, especially those in the younger age bracket, living in rented accommodation do not have sufficient internal space or access to outdoor space. 

There are stories of people working from laptops on ironing boards. Correct seating, adequate work surface, keyboard technique, posture, position of screen, use of support devices, software setting, non-reflective screens, the environment e.g. lighting and heating levels, importance of regular breaks, setting a routine. When working from home it can be easy to blur the lines between work and home life.

Speaker: Mel Bruneau, Health & Safety Director, Hounslow Chamber

Mel is an expert provider in all areas of the transport and warehousing industry and as a qualified Health & Safety Advisor, Professional Trainer and Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor, Mel works closely with airlines, handling agents, freight forwarders, distributors and manufacturers to ensure clients meet all the requirements of the relevant legislation. Mel is also a qualified instructor for the CAA and a member of the ICHCA.

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Here is a link to the latest magazine:

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Launched on 6 April 2021, the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) provides financial support to businesses across the UK as they recover and grow following the coronavirus pandemic. You can apply to the scheme if Covid-19 has affected your business. You can use the finance for any legitimate business purpose – including managing cashflow, investment and growth. However, you must be able to afford to take out additional debt finance for these purposes. 

If your business has already borrowed from any of the other coronavirus loan schemes – namely: 

  • Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) 
  • Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) 
  • Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) 

RLS is still open to you, although the amount you have borrowed under an existing scheme may in certain circumstances limit the amount you may borrow under RLS. RLS will run until 31 December 2021, subject to review. 

Click here for more details.  

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The Bank of England recently published its May Monetary Policy Report, the link to which is below. Also attached is a direct link to the Agents’ Summary section of said report.


MPR page including charts and tables file and visual summary


PDF version of the MPR

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You will be aware of the worsening situation in India as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.

Having considered various options to assist in this crisis, an opportunity has been identified at Christian Medical College (CMC), Ludhiana, Punjab. Our contact is a Rotarian with whom the Rotary Club of Hounslow has previously co-operated in a Global Grant Project to purchase equipment for the Burns Unit. We had been in the process of making plans for an eye camp with the same Rotary Club and surgeons based at this hospital, when the pandemic regrettably delayed this. Local contacts all report positively on the Hospital and its attempts to deal with the overwhelming demands placed on it.


The hospital needs ventilators, oxygen concentrators and drugs to assist with Covid cases. Given the immense need, Rotary has identified that limited funds spent on oxygen concentrators and drugs are likely to achieve the maximum benefits. (Ventilators are significantly more expensive, can assist only one patient at any one time and may be surplus to needs once this crisis is over.)


All funds Hounslow Rotary can raise will be sent to an account in Delhi, checked by the Indian Government, and then forwarded to the hospital. If you are able to assist in this humanitarian Project, money may be sent by bank transfer to the Hounslow Rotary Club's Charity account. A Gift Aid form can be provided which can be sent by email for confirmation, to further enhance the help we can provide


The only administration cost will be the small bank charge to transmitting the money to an overseas account . We would therefore like to send the money once only if possible and ASAP. and therefore request that money is received into the Trust Fund account by 12th May.

The Trust Fund account details are as follows:

Name             Rotary Club of Hounslow Trust Fund

Sort Code      60-11-18

Account No    26287722

Reference      Indian pandemic


If there are any questions, please email

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Meals to Home menu for this week! Take the hassle out of your life! Click here to see.

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Is able to welcome supporters back in the stadium for a fixture on Tuesday 18th May – 19.45 ko (London Irish v Exeter Chiefs)


There are discounts available for local businesses – please click here for more information and hope to see you there!

Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, the country house of British architect Sir John Soane with contemporary art gallery in Ealing.


We have launched an appeal for photo submissions for This is Ealing, a unique collective portrait of Ealing and our reopening exhibition on Thursday 27 May. If you are an Ealing resident, please submit a photograph that reflects your life and experience during the Covid pandemic.  This can be of any subject, whether people or places or expressing humour or sorrow, creativity or kindness, tragedy or hope. The gallery will be filled with these photographs to reflect this highly personal record of an extraordinary time and the exhibition (which runs from 27 May – 6 June) is FREE to Ealing residents. To be part of the exhibition, we are asking people to print their photograph (any size from A6 to A1) and drop off at Pitzhanger from this weekend: Friday 14 May | Sunday 16 May (11am-3pm).


More information plus posters and a social media toolkit can be downloaded from here and here are links to our recent Instagram and Twitter posts.

The Central research laboratory has had a revamp

The Team at CRL have been super busy over the past couple of months giving the space a revamp! From super lush breakout areas with plants and cushions to upgraded workshop space and new studios/office space - book your tour and trial day to check it out!

Book a tour

February issue of Let's Talk Business out now

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West London Local Chambers & Hounslow Chamber of Commerce are the primary support, networking, and representation organisation in west London for SMEs.

We support the interests, the commercial aspirations and the investment from businesses in Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham - the Chamber is the voice for all businesses located in the borough.
